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Monomeric refers to a molecule or compound that consists of a single unit. This unit is the simplest form of a particular substance, and it is not connected to other similar units to form a polymer.

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Q: What does monomeric mean?
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Why glucose can not be stored in monomeric form?

Glucose is a simple sugar that can be stored in the body as glycogen, a polysaccharide made up of multiple glucose molecules. Storing glucose in its monomeric form would not be efficient due to its high solubility and osmotic effect in cells. Converting glucose into glycogen allows for more stable and compact storage in the liver and muscles.

Why is it necessary for polysaccharides to be digested outside of the cell?

Polysaccharides are too large to be transported into cells, so they must be broken down into smaller molecules like monosaccharides through extracellular digestion. These smaller molecules can then be absorbed by cells for energy production or storage.

What makes up nucleotide?

A nucleotide consists of three main components: a phosphate group, a sugar molecule (such as deoxyribose in DNA or ribose in RNA), and a nitrogenous base (adenine, cytosine, guanine, or thymine in DNA; adenine, cytosine, guanine, or uracil in RNA). These components join together to form the basic building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA.

The functional group ALWAYS found in the following pair of monomeric organic molecules fatty acids and amino acids?

Carboxyl group (-COOH) is the functional group always found in both fatty acids and amino acids. Amino acids have an additional amino group (-NH2) as well.

What is made of phospholipids and proteins?

Cell membranes are made of phospholipids and proteins. Phospholipids form a lipid bilayer that provides the basic structure of the membrane, while proteins are embedded within or attached to the membrane, serving various functions such as transport, signaling, and cell recognition.

Related questions

What are building monomeric units of proteins?

The monomeric units are called amino acids, connected by polypeptide bonds.

What is the monomeric form of a carbohydrate called?


What are monomeric enzymes?

Monomeric enzymes are enzymes that consist of a single protein molecule that acts as a catalyst to facilitate biochemical reactions. Unlike oligomeric enzymes, which are made up of multiple protein subunits, monomeric enzymes function independently without requiring additional subunits for activity. Examples of monomeric enzymes include carbonic anhydrase and chymotrypsin.

Proteins are polymers of the monomeric molecules called?

Amino acids.

What is the monomeric unit for nucleic acids?

It would be a nucleotide. Either thymine, cytosine, alanine, guanine, or uracil.

What reaction links monomeric units together to form long chains?


Can a thermosetting plastic change shape?

No because of cross linking of monomeric chains. On heating it chars.

What does a double helix comprised of?

double helix are made up of some monomeric compound like, nitrogenous compound of purine and pyrimidine, sugar and phosphate in case of DNA. In case of Protein alpha helix, which is also a double helical structure is made up of monomeric amino acids.

Why is it necessary for polysaccharides to be digested outside the cell?

Polysaccharides are very large and therefore would require a lot of energy in order to transport across a cell wall. So cells will secrete exoenzymes to break the polysaccharides into smaller, monomeric portions and then absorb the monomeric portions in order to save energy.

When glucose the monomeric subunit found in glycogen is required for energy glycogen is broken down through a process known as?


If natural rubber is a natural polymer then I would think coal is also a natural polymer?

no because it does not formed by the reaction of small monomeric units called monomer

What are hydrocarbons that have been chemically changed into familiar plastic and rubber?

Polymers. They form long chains of a repeating monomeric unit (the hydrocarbon).