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It means having groups of people that have a common interest and are influenced by those interests. Poor people are biased towards shopping for lower prices. Rich people are biased toward spending more and living a better life.

In politics, biased groups can be Hispanics, blacks, Democrats, Republicans, women, Jewish people, etc. Each one is presumed to be biased towards their own particular group. For instance, the group of black people were biased to vote for the only black man to run for president. The bias of the group influenced them to vote for him because he was black, not because he would be a good president.

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3mo ago

Having biased groups means that the group holds prejudiced or unfair opinions or attitudes towards certain individuals or groups based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or other characteristics. This bias can result in discriminatory behavior, limited opportunities, and unequal treatment towards those who are targeted.

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