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Both multicellular plants and unicellular organisms carry out cellular processes such as respiration and photosynthesis. They both have membrane-bound organelles that perform specific functions within the cell. Both types of organisms rely on nutrients, water, and energy for survival.

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Q: What does Multicellular plants and unicellular have in common?
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Are plants made of only one cell?

There are unicellular plants but there are also multicellular plants.

Is a plant unicellular or multicellular?

Plants can be both multicellular and unicellular. Most plants are multicellular, and by most I mean that any which have leaves, stems, roots, flowers. There are a few unicellular plants, but these are small little things, for example the green layer you might find in pond water.

Are plants unicellular or mulitcellular?

Both, but almost all are multicellular.

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No, kingdoms are broad classifications of organisms based on shared characteristics. Eukaryotes can be unicellular or multicellular. Examples of unicellular eukaryotes include protists, while multicellular eukaryotes include plants, animals, and fungi.

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Cows are Multicellular organisms. Hope you Like it!.

Is a Bean plant unicellular?

No, a bean plant is not unicellular. Bean plants are multicellular organisms that are made up of different types of cells working together to carry out various functions within the plant.