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If mangrove trees did not have their extra roots, they would likely have a harder time anchoring themselves in the soft, muddy coastal soils where they typically grow. This would make them more susceptible to being uprooted during storms or high tides, which could affect their growth and survival in their unique coastal ecosystems.

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Q: What do you think would happen to the mangrove trees if they did not have the extra roots?
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Why do think only mangrove plant can grow in marshy area?

Mangrove plants can grow in marshy areas because they have adapted to saline, waterlogged conditions. Their unique root system allows them to take up oxygen and nutrients in waterlogged soils, while their salt-filtering mechanisms enable them to thrive in brackish water. Additionally, their ability to tolerate tidal fluctuations and waterlogged conditions sets them apart as a species well-suited to marshy environments.

What do you think will happen to the roots if the tissues that make them up were injured and deseased?

If the tissues that make up the roots are injured and diseased, the roots may not be able to effectively absorb water and nutrients from the soil. This could lead to stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, and even death of the plant. It is important to address any issues with root health promptly to ensure the plant's survival.

What do you think will happen to the roots of the tissues that make them up were injured or diseased?

If the roots of tissues are injured or diseased, it can lead to impaired function, reduced nutrient and water uptake, and potentially impact the overall health and growth of the plant or organism. Proper care and treatment, such as providing nutrients, protecting from further damage, and managing any infection, can help support the recovery of the roots and improve overall tissue health.

If the roots were injured or disead what do you think will happen to the plant?

If the roots are injured or diseased, the plant may experience stunted growth, wilting, yellowing of leaves, and ultimately, the plant may die. Roots are essential for absorbing water, nutrients, and providing structural support to the plant. If they are damaged, the plant's ability to take up essential resources will be compromised, leading to poor health and potentially death.

What fruits do mangrove trees grow?

Mangrove trees do not produce fruits like traditional fruit-bearing trees. Instead, mangroves typically produce propagules, which are seedlings that germinate while still attached to the parent tree before falling and taking root in the surrounding muddy substrate.

Related questions

What do mangroves need to survive?

They allow the exchange of gas as the water below them is too muddy with almost no air. This would also prevent the roots from rotting. The mangrove roots are also known as "breathing roots", which implies its function, to breath.

What do you think happen to the plant If the roots were injured or diseased?

No plant can live without the roots. It needs not only sun rays but also anorganic substances from the soil.

If the roots were injure or diseased what do you think will happen to the plant?

The roots are the parts that absorb nutrients and water from the soil, so if they are injured or diseased the plant will probably die - it depends on how many of the roots are damaged.

Where is the mangrove in moshi monsters?

in the unknown zone. you have 2 get a lanter there i think i

Why do think only mangrove plant can grow in marshy area?

Mangrove plants can grow in marshy areas because they have adapted to saline, waterlogged conditions. Their unique root system allows them to take up oxygen and nutrients in waterlogged soils, while their salt-filtering mechanisms enable them to thrive in brackish water. Additionally, their ability to tolerate tidal fluctuations and waterlogged conditions sets them apart as a species well-suited to marshy environments.

Who was the first team to pull their goalie for an extra player and in what year did it happen?

I think it was the Chicago Blackhawks in the early 60's.

What is the conditions of the Mangrove swamps?

Mangrove swamps are characterized by muddy, waterlogged soil with high salinity levels. They are typically found in tropical and subtropical coastal areas, where they provide important habitats for a variety of plant and animal species. Mangrove swamps are also susceptible to threats such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change.

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Tap roots I think.

Does coral have roots?

No, I think because its not a plant

What do you think will happen to the roots if the tissues that make them up were injured and deseased?

If the tissues that make up the roots are injured and diseased, the roots may not be able to effectively absorb water and nutrients from the soil. This could lead to stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, and even death of the plant. It is important to address any issues with root health promptly to ensure the plant's survival.

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a eudicot root i think

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I think separate roots