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They rely on their host. They can not reproduce on their own, so they are not considered living. They inject genetic information into a host cell and make the cell produce more viruses.

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Viruses rely on host cells to replicate, as they lack the cellular machinery needed for reproduction. Once inside a host cell, a virus will hijack the cell's machinery to make copies of itself.

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Q: What do viruses have to rely on for replication?
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What must viruses rely on for replication?

Viruses must rely on host cells for replication. They use the cell's machinery to produce new viral particles.

Viruses do not require nutrients?

Viruses do not have their own metabolism and cannot produce energy on their own. They rely on host cells to provide nutrients for their replication.

Do viruses have an endoplasmic reticulum?

No, viruses do not have their own endoplasmic reticulum. They rely on host cells to carry out their replication and do not possess the cellular machinery needed to produce their own endoplasmic reticulum.

Both viruses and cells are able to replicate their genetic material What is the main difference in their replication processes?

The main difference is that viruses rely on a host cell's machinery to replicate their genetic material, while cells have their own machinery to replicate their DNA. Viruses insert their genetic material into a host cell and hijack its replication machinery, whereas cells replicate their DNA through processes like DNA polymerase and cellular organelles.

What are properties of viruses?

viruses are non cellular , they have no sexual or asexual reproduction they reproduce by replication

How do viruses obtain carbohydrates?

Viruses do not have the machinery to produce their own carbohydrates. Instead, they rely on the host cells they infect to supply the necessary carbohydrates for their replication and survival. Viruses can hijack the host cell's metabolic pathways to obtain carbohydrates for their own use.

Why can't viruses maintain homeostasis?

Viruses lack the cellular machinery necessary to regulate internal conditions, like temperature or pH, which is essential for homeostasis. They rely on host cells to provide the resources needed for replication and survival, making them dependent on the host's environment for maintaining stability.

What is a virus replication that includes the lysogenic cycle?

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What is viral replication?

Viral replication is the process of creating viruses. This can only occur once a virus has infected a cell - because viruses cannot replicate by themselves (they need to use a host cell).

Do virus have ribosomes?

No, viruses do not have ribosomes. Instead, they rely on the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce proteins. Viruses lack many of the cellular structures and organelles found in living organisms.

Do viruses move independently or dependently?

Some viruses can move parts of their body, but most viruses rely on their hosts.

What is need for viruses to grow?

They need a living cell. It is essential for replication.