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Oxygen and glucose. The formula for basic cellular respiration is: C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l) ΔHc -2880 kJ (formula taken from wikipedia's article on cellular respiration)

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4w ago

Organisms need oxygen, glucose, and mitochondria to carry out aerobic cell respiration. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, glucose is the source of carbon and energy, and mitochondria are the organelles where aerobic respiration takes place.

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Q: What do organisms need for aerobic cell respiration?
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If an eukaryotic cell is doing anaerobic respiration how many food molecules would it need to process the same amount of energy as it would using aerobic cellular respiration?

An eukaryotic cell would need more food molecules to produce the same amount of energy in anaerobic respiration compared to aerobic respiration. This is because aerobic respiration produces more ATP per molecule of glucose compared to anaerobic respiration.

What is the name of an organism that requires oxygen?

Organisms which need oxygen are called aerobic organisms or aerobes. The oxygen is used in the process of respiration to release energy from food. Organisms which do not use oxygen in respiration are called anaerobic organisms or anaerobes. See:

How are aerobic respiration and anaerobic different?

aerobic respiration uses oxygen and anaerobic doesn't; also aerobic produces more ATP or cellular energy***Apex: Oxygen is necessary for aerobic respiration but not for anaerobic respiration.

How are aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are related?

Aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are connected through the exchange of gases, with the products of one process being used as reactants for the other. In photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen. During aerobic respiration, organisms use glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. This continuous cycle of gas exchange between the two processes helps maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What process photosynthesis or aerobic respiration your body use to get the energy for running or riding a bike?

Your body uses aerobic respiration to produce energy for activities like running or biking. During aerobic respiration, cells use oxygen to break down glucose into ATP, the energy currency of the cell. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells and provides the energy needed for muscle contractions and movement.

Related questions

Who needs oxygen?

Most living organisms need oxygen for aerobic respiration.

What does the cell need to respiration?

Substances that a cell needs to respire include glucose and oxygen. When the body releases these, it is called aerobic respiration.

How are aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are related?

Aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are connected through the exchange of gases, with the products of one process being used as reactants for the other. In photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen. During aerobic respiration, organisms use glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. This continuous cycle of gas exchange between the two processes helps maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Does dry seeds respire?

Yes, dry seeds can respire at a low rate through a process known as internal respiration. However, this respiration is minimal as the seeds are in a dormant state and not actively metabolizing. Once the seeds are exposed to water and conditions suitable for germination, respiration rates increase as cellular processes resume.

What molecule is used during aerobic respiration?

Cellular respiration can be aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen, anaerobic respiration does not need oxygen.

Is animal respiration aerobic or anaerobic?

Animal respiration is Aerobic type because it need oxygen.

Are mammals aerobic organisms?

Yes. An aerobic organism is an organism that can grow and survive in the presence of oxygen. Mammals need oxygen to have cellular respiration, so they are obligate aerobes.

How are photosynthesis and aerobic cellular respiration?

Aerobic respiration:C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2Oglucose + oxygen produce carbon dioxide and waterPhotosynthesis:6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6O2carbon dioxide and water produce glucose and oxygenThe reactants of aerobic respiration are the products of photosynthesis. Organisms that undergo aerobic respiration need the products of photosynthesis to survive (this includes the plants and other photosynthesizing organisms themselves). Plants and other photosynthesizing organisms need the products of aerobic respiration in order to survive.

What is the name of an organism that requires oxygen?

Organisms which need oxygen are called aerobic organisms or aerobes. The oxygen is used in the process of respiration to release energy from food. Organisms which do not use oxygen in respiration are called anaerobic organisms or anaerobes. See:

What rate at whichfood and oxygen in a cell are used up an waste products produced?

You are referring to aerobic cellular respiration. The rate at which aerobic respiration occurs in a cell depends on the type of cell and the activity level of the organism. An organism (including humans) would need aerobic respiration to take place rapidly when it is active because it needs more energy, but not as rapidly when it is at rest when it needs less energy.

What determines the rate at which food and oxygen in a cell are used up and waste products produced.?

You are referring to aerobic cellular respiration. The rate at which aerobic respiration occurs in a cell depends on the type of cell and the activity level of the organism. An organism (including humans) would need aerobic respiration to take place rapidly when it is active because it needs more energy, but not as rapidly when it is at rest when it needs less energy.

Why do most complex organisms undergo aerobic respiration rather than anaerobic respiration?

Most complex organisms undergo aerobic respiration because it produces more energy (ATP) compared to anaerobic respiration, allowing for more efficient and sustained cellular functioning. Aerobic respiration also produces less toxic byproducts, such as lactic acid in anaerobic respiration, which can build up and harm cells. Additionally, aerobic respiration provides the flexibility to utilize a wider range of substrates for energy production.