Robert Hooke used a compound microscope to discover cells in 1665. He observed thin slices of cork under the microscope and described them as resembling the cells in a monastery, which led to the term "cell" being used to describe the basic unit of living organisms.
The scientist who used his microscope to discover plant cells was Robert Hooke. He made this discovery in 1665 when he observed thin slices of cork under a microscope and described the cells he saw as resembling small rooms or cells, leading to the term "cell" being used in biology.
Robert Hooke discovered and coined the term "cell" after observing the small structures in cork under his microscope. He also made other important biological observations, such as the structure of fossils and plant anatomy.
In 1655, Robert Hooke discovered and coined the term "cell" when he observed tiny compartments in cork under a microscope. This was a significant contribution to the field of biology and laid the foundation for the study of cells, the basic unit of life.
Robert Hooke's study of cells in 1665 led to the discovery of cells in living organisms. He coined the term "cell" based on the small compartments he observed in cork slices under a microscope. Hooke's work laid the foundation for the field of cell biology and our understanding of the basic unit of life.
The first mane to discover a cell was Robert Hooke. He was looking at cork cells under the microscope and saw a cell for the first time.
Robert hooke
Robert Hooke.
Robert Hooke used a compound microscope to discover cells in 1665. He observed thin slices of cork under the microscope and described them as resembling the cells in a monastery, which led to the term "cell" being used to describe the basic unit of living organisms.
Cells under microscope.
If you mean "Who first discovered cells" the answer would be Robert Hooke. He first discovered cells by looking at cork under a microscope.
The scientist who used his microscope to discover plant cells was Robert Hooke. He made this discovery in 1665 when he observed thin slices of cork under a microscope and described the cells he saw as resembling small rooms or cells, leading to the term "cell" being used in biology.
Robert Hooke discovered and coined the term "cell" after observing the small structures in cork under his microscope. He also made other important biological observations, such as the structure of fossils and plant anatomy.
Robert hooke
cork cells
Robert Hooke did not discover blood cells. He was the first person to see cells. He saw cells of the oak plant in cork. He viewed a tiny slice of cork under his microscope and saw small compartments which he called cells.
In 1655, Robert Hooke discovered and coined the term "cell" when he observed tiny compartments in cork under a microscope. This was a significant contribution to the field of biology and laid the foundation for the study of cells, the basic unit of life.