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A Heterozygous female with a white eyed male.

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2mo ago

Morgan could have crossed a white-eyed male fruit fly (homozygous for the white-eye allele) with a wild-type red-eyed female fruit fly (homozygous for the red-eye allele). This cross would result in the F1 generation being all red-eyed females (heterozygous for the white-eye allele) and red-eyed males (hemizygous for the red-eye allele). Then, he could mate the F1 red-eyed females with each other to produce the F2 generation, which would include white-eyed females if the F1 females were carriers of the white-eye allele.

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Q: What cross could Morgan have performed to make the first white-eyed female fruit fly?
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What color are female organism?

The color of female organisms can vary widely between species. In many cases, female organisms have colors that help them blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators or attract mates.

Why is a vasectomy very effective in preventing a female to get pregnant?

A vasectomy involves cutting or sealing the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. This prevents sperm from being ejaculated during sex, reducing the chance of fertilizing a female's egg. It is a highly effective form of permanent contraception.

What are three criteria that Thomas Hunt Morgan was looking for in a model organism for genetic studies?

Thomas Hunt Morgan looked for a model organism that had a short generation time, produced numerous offspring, and had easily observable traits that could be studied. These criteria were important for efficient genetic studies and observations of inheritance patterns. Morgan famously chose the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as his model organism due to its suitability based on these criteria.

Finding an occasional vermillion-eyed female can be explained by the occurrence of an extra chromosome from the for the trait?

It is likely that the vermillion eyes in the female are due to a random genetic mutation or chromosomal abnormality, rather than a specific gene. The presence of an extra chromosome could disrupt normal eye pigmentation, resulting in the unique color. This occurrence is rare and may not follow typical inheritance patterns.

How could a hormonal imbalance result in a person who is genetically male but physically female?

A hormonal imbalance in a genetically male individual can result in the development of female physical characteristics due to insufficient or excessive levels of certain hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. This can lead to the body developing female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast growth and a more feminine body shape.

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What cross could Morgan have performed to make the first white eyed female fruit?

A Heterozygous female with a white eyed male.

What cross could Morgan had performed to make the first white eyed female fruit flies?

In order to produce flies with white eyes, they must have two recessive traits. These could have been produced by mating two heterozygous individuals for red eye color.

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Well I was thinking a while to answer this question and the best i could think of is momo