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8mo ago

Japan has one of the highest rates of eyeglass wearers in the world, with a significant portion of the population relying on glasses for vision correction. This is partly due to a strong culture of eye health and regular eye check-ups.

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Who Wheres glasses in the smurfs?

the smart guy and Papa only papa wears sunglasses and the smart one wears eye glasses

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What type of glasses does Donald Rumsfeld wear?

Donald rumsfeld wears (rimless eye glasses )

What is psy eye colour?

Red and green! That is why he wears glasses all the time!

Why is Jose wear glasses?

Jose wears glasses because he has eye problems. Jose could be nearsighted or Jose could be farsighted.

Does Zacky Vengeance wear eye glasses?

No, he does not. The only one that did wear eye glasses was The Rev.

Who makes the pink eye glasses that the character Holly wears on Brothers and Sisters?

Because she sucks

Does Drake Bell wear eye contact lenses when he doesn't want to wear his glasses or he just doesn't wear glasses or eye contact lenses when he doesn't want to wear his glasses at all?

Yes, Drake Bell does wear glasses. He usually wears glasses in some concerts in malls.

Does Angelina jolie need reading glasses?

She has been photographed wearing them, and sunglasses. She's nearsighted (~-3)

Was Edgar davids blind in both eyes?

No.but having some eye problem, that's why he wears glasses while playing.

What styles of eye glasses are available with EyeMed insurance?

According to the website, "regular" styles of eye glasses are covered up to a percentage with the EyeMed insurance program at most local eye glasses vendors. They don't sell eye glasses directly so they don't have any "available."

What is the best site online to purchase discount eye glasses?

Most shops that sell eye glasses online do offer discount eye glasses.For instance, offers 50% discount on certain types of glasses;, are some of the sites that offer dscount eye glasses.