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The proteins in the amino-acids might have been responsible for the change in the hemoglobin between gorillas and humans.

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Genetic mutations over time likely caused changes in the amino acid sequence from gorillas to humans. These mutations could have arisen from environmental factors, natural selection, or genetic drift. As a result, differences in amino acids between gorillas and humans have accumulated over millions of years of evolution.

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Q: What could have been responsible for the change in amino acid from gorillas to humans?
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How can humans and cows have amino acid chains that are similar?

Humans and cows both share a common ancestry, so they have similar genetic makeup including the genes responsible for producing proteins like amino acid chains. These genetic similarities result in similar amino acid sequences in proteins that are essential for various biological functions in both humans and cows.

Which type of mutation results in the formation of a protein with one incorrect amino acid-?

A point mutation, specifically a missense mutation, is responsible for the formation of a protein with one incorrect amino acid. This type of mutation involves a single nucleotide change in the DNA sequence, leading to the substitution of one amino acid in the protein.

What organelle would amino acids link together?

Ribosomes are the organelles responsible for linking amino acids together to form proteins.

Which RNA is responsible for bringing amino acids to the factory site for protein formation?

Transfer RNA (tRNA) is responsible for bringing amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis. Each tRNA molecule carries a specific amino acid and has an anticodon region that matches with the codon on the mRNA, allowing the correct amino acid to be added to the growing protein chain.

Humans are able to manufacture all of the amino acids necessary to make proteins?

False. Humans can synthesize some amino acids, known as nonessential amino acids, but there are essential amino acids that must be obtained from the diet because the human body cannot produce them.

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Which acid links humans and gorillas and guinea pigs and fruit bats?

Amino acid

How can humans and cows have amino acid chains that are similar?

Humans and cows both share a common ancestry, so they have similar genetic makeup including the genes responsible for producing proteins like amino acid chains. These genetic similarities result in similar amino acid sequences in proteins that are essential for various biological functions in both humans and cows.

What is the name of the amino acid responsible for Hopkins-cole reaction test what is the formula of this amino acid?

The amino acid responsible for the Hopkins-Cole reaction test is tryptophan. Its formula is C11H12N2O2.

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When comparing the amino acids found in the the amino acids of humans which animal most closely matches humans?

Chimpanzees share the highest similarity in terms of amino acid sequence with humans among all animals. Due to the close genetic relationship between humans and chimpanzees, they exhibit a high degree of similarity in their amino acid composition.

When comparing the amino acids found in the hemoglobin of the animals listed below with the amino acids of humans hich most closely matches humans?


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Is melanin a protein?

I screwed up-- the first person had it right. Here's their answer: "A protein is composed of several amino acids chained together - so no melanin is not a protein. Melanin is formed from the amino acid Tyrosine and is NOT a chain of amino acids thus it is not a protein nor is it a amino acid."

Where do humans obtain essential amino acids?

Humans obtain the amino acids that their bodies need through the food they eat, particularly foods rich in proteins.

What molecules are responsible for building proteins?

Amino acids are the molecules responsible for building proteins. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids that are linked together in a specific order determined by the genetic code.

What is a dispensable amino acid?

A dispensable amino acid, also known as a nonessential amino acid, is an amino acid that the body can synthesize on its own and does not need to be obtained from the diet. There are 11 dispensable amino acids in humans.

What is responsible for the assembling of proteins?

RNA assembles amino acids into proteins.