During meiosis (reproduction of sexual cells) the paired chromosomes are separated. Each gamete (sperm or ovum) contributes one chromosome to the zygote.
Type A blood type is inherited when a person carries one or two A alleles for the ABO gene, which determines blood type. These alleles produce specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells. If an individual inherits an A allele from one parent and an A or O allele from the other parent, they will have type A blood.
Blood type is caused by the antigens on the red blood cells and antibodies in the plasma Type A has the A protein antigen and the Anti-B antibody. Type B has the B protein and the Anti-A antibody. Type AB has both the A and B protein and neither the Anti- A or Anti-B antibodies. It is known as the universal recipient. Type O has neither the A or B protein and both the Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies. It is the universal donor. Blood type is inherited from your parents.
Type A blood can only go to someone that also has type A. There is a protein in type A blood that would cause blood of other types to clump togather if it is mixed with them. Type B can only give to B, AB can only give to AB, but O blood is sort of special. In cases of an emergency, O blood could be given to people with any type, though. A little clumping would occur, but it would not be enough to cause problems. There is a lot of complicated anatomy in the blood that causes these problems. **Answer from another person** Type A blood can go to either another type A or type AB. Type B blood can go to either another type B or type AB. Type O can go to any blood type - O, A, B or AB hence it is known as the universal donor. While AB is the universal recipient - can receive any other type blood. It's also not true that clumping would occur when being given type O blood!!
The universal donor blood type is O negative. This blood type can be given to individuals of any blood type. The universal receiver blood type is AB positive. This blood type can receive blood from individuals of any blood type.
Yes, it is possible for a person with blood type A and a person with blood type B to have a child with blood type O.
Blood type can be determined from parents by looking at their blood types and using the principles of genetics. A child's blood type is determined by the combination of blood type genes inherited from their parents. For example, if both parents have type A blood, their child could have either type A or type O blood. If one parent has type A blood and the other has type B blood, their child could have type A, type B, type AB, or type O blood.
When you mix blood type AB with blood type O, the resulting offspring will have either blood type A or B, since blood type O is recessive.
Hemophilia is one disease in which blood clots poorly.
Type your answer here... what causes high level of kalcium in the blood test?
Smooth muscle tissue causes vasoconstriction. This type of muscle tissue is found in the walls of blood vessels and is responsible for regulating blood flow by constricting and dilating the vessels.
Those with blood type b shouldn't eat corn, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. They causes weight gain. This blood type should focus more on green vegetables and more healthier food for their diet.
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Type 1 diabetes is caused by a deficiency of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels. This results in high blood sugar levels, leading to the symptoms of diabetes mellitus.
Type A blood can only go to someone that also has type A. There is a protein in type A blood that would cause blood of other types to clump togather if it is mixed with them. Type B can only give to B, AB can only give to AB, but O blood is sort of special. In cases of an emergency, O blood could be given to people with any type, though. A little clumping would occur, but it would not be enough to cause problems. There is a lot of complicated anatomy in the blood that causes these problems. **Answer from another person** Type A blood can go to either another type A or type AB. Type B blood can go to either another type B or type AB. Type O can go to any blood type - O, A, B or AB hence it is known as the universal donor. While AB is the universal recipient - can receive any other type blood. It's also not true that clumping would occur when being given type O blood!!