You can compare a lysosome in a cell to a recycling plant in a city. Just like how a recycling plant breaks down waste into its basic components for reuse, a lysosome breaks down used cell components for recycling within the cell. Both help to maintain cleanliness and efficiency in their respective environments.
In a cell city project, a lysosome could be represented as a recycling center. Just like lysosomes in cells break down waste and unwanted materials, a recycling center processes and breaks down recyclable items into reusable components within a city.
A recycling center can be compared to a lysosome. Just like lysosomes break down waste materials in cells, a recycling center breaks down and recycles materials for reuse. Both play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of their respective environments.
A lysosome membrane can disintegrate when the lysosome is damaged or under conditions of cellular stress. This can lead to the release of digestive enzymes and contents of the lysosome into the cytoplasm, potentially causing cell damage or cell death.
Yes, a lysosome is a membrane-bound organelle found in animal cells.
The expulsion of lysosome enzymes into the cell cytoplasm is known as lysosome leakage. This can occur due to lysosome damage, leading to release of enzymes that can potentially damage other cellular components and even trigger cell death pathways.
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I would be able to answer this if your question made sense.
In a cell city project, a lysosome could be represented as a recycling center. Just like lysosomes in cells break down waste and unwanted materials, a recycling center processes and breaks down recyclable items into reusable components within a city.
It acts like a recycling system in a city.
A recycling center can be compared to a lysosome. Just like lysosomes break down waste materials in cells, a recycling center breaks down and recycles materials for reuse. Both play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of their respective environments.
Lysosome is an organell.So it can be found in cytoplasm.
What is the lysosome job in the animal cell?
The lysosome.
Lysosome, or vesicles or vacuoles.
The lysosome is the organelle that breaks down molecules.
because the lysosome cannot release its contents unless nearby cells allow it.