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Biomass such as plants, trees, crop residues, and organic waste are considered renewable resources because they can be replenished or regenerated within a relatively short period. They can be used to produce bioenergy or bioproducts in a sustainable manner without depleting finite resources.

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Q: What biomass considered a renewable resource?
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Why is biomass considered a renewable rescource?

Biomass is considered a renewable resource because it comes from organic materials such as plants and waste products that can be replenished through natural processes like photosynthesis and decomposition. As long as new plants are grown or waste products continue to be produced, biomass can be continuously harvested and used to generate energy without depleting finite resources.

Why is biomass considered a renewablde resource?

Biomass is considered a renewable resource because it comes from organic materials like plants and trees that can be regrown within a relatively short period. As long as the biomass is managed in a sustainable way, new plants can be grown to replace those used for energy production, making it a continuous and replenishable source.

Is biomass renewable nonrenewable or nearly perpetual?

Biomass is considered renewable because it comes from organic materials such as plants, wood, and animal waste that can be replenished relatively quickly through natural processes like photosynthesis.

Is biomass considered nonrenewable?

No, biomass is considered renewable because it comes from organic materials like plants that can be regrown and replenished relatively quickly. This makes biomass a sustainable source of energy compared to non-renewable sources like fossil fuels.

Is biomass exhaustible?

Biomass is considered a renewable resource as it can be continually replenished through sustainable practices like planting new crops or trees. However, if not managed properly, it can be depleted faster than it can regenerate. So, while biomass itself is technically not exhaustible, its unsustainable use can lead to depletion.

Related questions

Why is biomass a better?

Biomass is a renewable resource.

Is biomass nonrenewable?

Biomass is a renewable resource.

Why is biomass considered renewable resource?

Biomass is a renewable energy source because we can always grow more trees and crops, and waste will always exist.

When would biomass not be considered renewable resource?

When you build houses and roads over where the biomass grew. When the biomass takes longer than a human lifetime to regenerate. When the biomass culture destroys the ecosystem. ================= Thus in terms of fuel to power humanity it is clear that biomass in NOT a renewable resource.

Why is a biomass alternative to oil?

Biomass is a renewable resource.

Why is biomass a better alternative?

Biomass is a renewable resource.

When would biomass not be considered a renewable?

When you build houses and roads over where the biomass grew. When the biomass takes longer than a human lifetime to regenerate. When the biomass culture destroys the ecosystem. ================= Thus in terms of fuel to power humanity it is clear that biomass in NOT a renewable resource.

Why are biomass considered renewable resource?

Living things are a resource for humans. They are a renewable source because they reproduce. A forrest that has been cut down can regrow and animals can give birth to babies.

Why is biomass considered a renewable resource?

Biomass is considered a renewable resource because the energy source will come from organic matter such as garbage or crop waste.

Is wood a renewable natural resource?

Yes. Wood, or more generally biomass, is a renewable resource because it can easily replenished.

Why is biomass considered a renewable rescource?

Biomass is considered a renewable resource because it comes from organic materials such as plants and waste products that can be replenished through natural processes like photosynthesis and decomposition. As long as new plants are grown or waste products continue to be produced, biomass can be continuously harvested and used to generate energy without depleting finite resources.

Is biomass clean?

It is not clean if clean is defined as sanitary. It is clean if considered as environmentally clean, as it produces less harmful effects thatn fossil fuels. Biomass is considered a renewable resource because of the ability of plant's to regrow. It is actually the number 1 renewable resource used in the world. Although the creation of this energy also causes pollution with-in the atmosphere from the release of the CO2 and Carbon Monoxide.