

Best Answer

The better question would be; what biological sciences DO NOT support Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Evolution is the backbone of Biology and the theory that explains much about evolution is the bedrock on which all biology is built, regardless of the apparent absence in some disciplines of biology.

It is no longer just Darwin's theory as many disciplines not formed then, and some extant then, have added to and refined the theory.


Molecular cell biology.

Evolutionary developmental biology.




Population generics.


Evolutionary biology.

And the list can go on.

Google, disciplines in biology, wiki.

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Several biological sciences support Darwin's theory of evolution, including genetics, Paleontology, and comparative anatomy. Genetics provides evidence of common ancestry through heredity and genetic variation, while the fossil record in paleontology shows a pattern of change over time. Comparative anatomy reveals similarities in structure among different species, suggesting a shared evolutionary history.

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Q: What biological sciences support Darwin's theory of evolution?
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What proof do we have evolution taking place?

Evidence for evolution includes the fossil record, comparative anatomy, molecular biology, and observed instances of natural selection. These different lines of evidence all support the concept of biological evolution occurring over time.

Is the theory true that the theory of evolution is supported by a wide range of biological evidence?

Yes. If evolution was not widely supported by evidence, then it would be regarded as a hypothesis rather than a theory.

What is recent research findings support Darwins theory of evolution?

Recent research findings, such as genomic studies that show patterns of genetic similarities among different species, provide evidence supporting Darwin's theory of evolution. These studies have revealed the common ancestry of all living organisms and how species have evolved over time through natural selection. Additionally, fossil evidence continues to be found that further corroborates the theory of evolution by showing transitional forms between different species.

What is the biochemical evidence that supports biological evolution?

One key piece of biochemical evidence that supports biological evolution is the similarity in DNA sequences among different species. By comparing the DNA sequences of organisms, scientists can uncover evolutionary relationships and common ancestry. Additionally, the presence of vestigial structures and shared biochemical pathways among different species further support the idea of a common evolutionary origin.

What scientific evidence proves Darwins theory of evolution?

Numerous scientific disciplines, such as genetics, paleontology, and comparative anatomy, provide evidence supporting Darwin's theory of evolution. Fossil records show transitional forms between species, genetic studies demonstrate shared ancestry through common DNA sequences, and observations of natural selection in action support the idea of species evolving over time. These various lines of evidence collectively contribute to the scientific consensus on the validity of Darwin's theory of evolution.

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Darwins theory of evolution views at the time of his work and social forces that led to support for the theory?

There is no proven theory of evolution only the physical evidence of what Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

How does radioactive dating provide support for the biological theory evolution?

It shows when the animal that made a fossil was alive.

Do natural sciences support creation or evolution?

Virtually all data and observations in the natural sciences support the idea of evolution through natural selection. There is no hard factual evidence at all to support creationism, which is a thinly disguised attempt to portray the Biblical idea of Genesis as actual fact. Man did NOT walk side by side with dinosaurs, and the earth was not created 4,000 years ago. Creationism is a RELIGIOUS thought, with no basis in fact.

What proof do we have evolution taking place?

Evidence for evolution includes the fossil record, comparative anatomy, molecular biology, and observed instances of natural selection. These different lines of evidence all support the concept of biological evolution occurring over time.

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Only biological parents are required to support their children.Only biological parents are required to support their children.Only biological parents are required to support their children.Only biological parents are required to support their children.

How do fossil and biochemicals support the theory of evolution?

Fossils provide physical evidence of extinct organisms and show a progression of forms over time, supporting the concept of evolution through natural selection. Biochemicals, such as DNA and proteins, can be compared between different species to reveal shared genetic sequences, indicating a common ancestry and supporting the theory of evolution.

What other sciences are used to help support biology?

All natural sciences. Mathematics too.

Is the theory true that the theory of evolution is supported by a wide range of biological evidence?

Yes. If evolution was not widely supported by evidence, then it would be regarded as a hypothesis rather than a theory.

Do darwins theories of evolution by natural selection contradict the principles of biogeography?

No, Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection actually complements the principles of biogeography. Biogeography, the study of the distribution of species, provides evidence of how species have adapted to their environments over time through the process of evolution. Darwin himself used biogeographical evidence to support his theory of evolution.

Do any qualified scientists support evolution?

The vast majority of scientists support evolution. There is no longer any debate in the scientific community about whether evolution occurs, only the mechanisms in which evolution acts upon is debated.

How does observed evolutionary change support the scientific theory of evolution?

The theory predicts that evolution will happen and in certain ways. The observed evolution makes this prediction correct. It also defines evolution as happening, and as such is perfect evidence in support of it.

Are you desended from apes?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution suggest that, yes, we are indeed descended from common ancestors of the apes. Later archaeological and DNA findings support his theory of evolution. However Christians or other religious people believe otherwise.