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Myoglobin is typically described as a globular protein due to its compact, spherical shape. It is made up of a single polypeptide chain folded into a three-dimensional structure that allows it to bind and store oxygen in muscle tissues. This shape enables myoglobin to perform its function efficiently within muscle cells.

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Q: What best describes the shape of myoglobin which is many ways is a typical protein?
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What is the word used to describe the distortion and inactivation of a protein by pH or heat?

Denatured protein. See attached Wikipedia Denatured Protein link. Denaturation. Proteins are fragile and its function depends on its 3D shape. High heat, salt concentration, pH, radiation etc will cause a protein to 'unravel' or change shape which leaves the protein nonfunctional. It is usually irreversible. Think of it as frying an egg. Eggs are protein right? When you fry an egg you change its shape and it is no longer opaque. You cannot unfry an egg.

What protein changes shape when ca2 plus binds to it?

Calmodulin is a protein that changes shape when it binds to calcium ions. This change in shape allows calmodulin to interact with and activate various target proteins involved in signaling pathways within cells.

What shape of a protein molecule resembles?

Protein molecules can have various shapes, such as globular, fibrous, or membrane-bound. The shape of a protein is important for its function, with globular proteins often being enzymes or transport molecules, and fibrous proteins providing structural support. Additionally, the shape of a protein is determined by its specific sequence of amino acids.

The shape of most protein molecules may be described as?

The shape of most protein molecules may be described as a specific three-dimensional structure, typically categorized into primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures. These structures are formed by the folding and interactions of the protein's amino acid sequence, creating a functional and unique shape that determines the protein's biological function.

What influences protein shape that determines protein function?

Protein shape is primarily influenced by the sequence of amino acids in the protein's chain. This sequence dictates how the protein folds into its three-dimensional shape, which is crucial for its function. Factors such as temperature, pH, and the presence of other molecules can also influence protein shape.

Related questions

How does DNA determine a protein's shape?

DNA determines a protein's shape by determining the sequence of the amino acids in a protein.

Why is it important that a protein keep in shape?

because the shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job

Why is it that a protein keeps its shape?

because the shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job

Why is it important that a protein keep that shape?

The shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job

Why is it important protein keeps it shape?

The shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job.

Why is it important that proteins keep their shape?

The shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job.

What is the Typical plant cell shape?

the shape is circular

Why is it important for a protein to keep its shape?

because the shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job

Why is it important a protein keeps it shape?

because the shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job

What describes a solid?

A solid has substance and shape. It's particles vibrate around a point, but do not 'flow' over each other like a liquid does. Typical 'hard' solids cannot be compressed.

Why does a denature protein no longer function normally?

the function of each protein is a consequence of its specific shape, which is lost when a protein becomes denatured.The shape of a protein determines its specific function within a cell. Denaturing a protein will alter its shape, thus it will no longer function.

What is the word used to describe the distortion and inactivation of a protein by pH or heat?

Denatured protein. See attached Wikipedia Denatured Protein link. Denaturation. Proteins are fragile and its function depends on its 3D shape. High heat, salt concentration, pH, radiation etc will cause a protein to 'unravel' or change shape which leaves the protein nonfunctional. It is usually irreversible. Think of it as frying an egg. Eggs are protein right? When you fry an egg you change its shape and it is no longer opaque. You cannot unfry an egg.