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Cellular respiration is a releasing process. It involves breaking down organic molecules like glucose to release energy in the form of ATP, along with carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. This energy is then used by the cell for various functions.

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Q: What best describes the nature of celluar respiration is it releasing process or gathering process?
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Cells produce this waste chemical?

Cells produce waste chemicals such as carbon dioxide, which is a byproduct of cellular respiration. This waste chemical is expelled from cells into the bloodstream and ultimately eliminated from the body through the lungs during exhalation.

What are the raw materials needed for cellular respiration?

The raw materials needed for cellular respiration are glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Glucose is obtained from the breakdown of carbohydrates in our diet, while oxygen is obtained through respiration. These two molecules are needed to produce energy in the form of ATP through the process of cellular respiration.

How does cell respiration affect the environment?

Cell respiration releases carbon dioxide as a byproduct, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change. It also generates heat, which can affect the temperature of the surrounding environment. Additionally, the oxygen consumed during respiration affects the balance of atmospheric gases.

What is the by product of cell metabolism?

Carbon dioxide and water are byproducts of cell metabolism. Carbon dioxide is produced during cellular respiration, while water is a product of various metabolic reactions within the cell.

During which stage of complete celluar resperation is most of the atp produced?

Most of the ATP is produced during the electron transport chain stage of cellular respiration. This is where the majority of ATP molecules are generated through oxidative phosphorylation using energy released from the transfer of electrons along the electron transport chain.

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Do plants do celluar respiration?

it does use cellular resp0irationPlants also need energy.They get energy by respiration

what is an eqation for Celluar respiration?

C6H12O6 + O2 = ATP and CO2 and H2O

What do plants need for cellular respiration?

light water is esseciental for celluar respiction

Where does celluar reapiration take place?

Cellular respiration always takes place in the mitochondria.

What are the steps of celluar respiration?

Glucose is conveted to pyruvate producing a small amount of ATP and NADH Aerobic respiration producing ATP == ==

What are products of the electron transport chain in the second stage of celluar respiration?

34 adenosine triphosphate

If cellular respiration stops occurring will the animal die?

Yes, if cellular respiration stops occurring, the animal will die. Cellular respiration is essential for producing ATP, which is the energy currency of cells. Without ATP, cells cannot perform essential functions required for survival.

What are the two processes that together result in celluar respiration?

glycolyis, Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain.

Energy in glucose is converted to packets of stored energy in the organism during?

During Celluar Respiration.-YourWelcome (:

What products does celluar respiration have?

Cellular respiration produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency of cells. It also produces carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.

What type of respiration occurs in bread making?

Yeast cells in food produce CO2 which is a gas and expand s to produce the little holes in bread and making it rise