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Spleen is a lymph gland which contains a large number of lymphocytes and other cell types which "filter" the blood from things that aren't supposed to be there. It has small chambers and passageways which also filter the blood removing damaged and dying cells.

Because of these passageways it contains a great amount of blood which can be "put back into circulation" if the blood pressure drops and it is needed back in the body.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

The major functions of the spleen include filtering blood by removing old or damaged red blood cells, storing platelets and white blood cells for immune responses, and producing antibodies to help fight infections. Additionally, the spleen acts as a reservoir for blood in case of hemorrhagic shock.

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14y ago

The primary function of the spleen is the filtering of blood and removal of abnormal blood cells by phagocytosis. The spleen also stores iron from worn-out blood cells, which is then returned to the circulation and used by the bone marrow to produce new blood cells. The immune reaction begins in the spleen with the activation of immune response by B cells and T cells in response to antigens in the blood.

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13y ago

The spleen recycles old red blood cells, this helps the immune system as no repeatedly used blood cells are being used. When the spleen is ruptured or destroyed, the risk of infection is increased.

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7y ago

The spleen is an abdominal organ found near the upper-left part of the stomach. Its three functions are to produce lymphocytes, remove red blood cells and act as a reservoir for blood.

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12y ago

The spleen is primarily a defence organ to fight off infections etc.....if removed your immune system is compromised for life and the person will require medications.

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11y ago

It is an organ that helps fight illness and supports the immune system. It filters the blood and acts as a reserve of blood in case of great loss.

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What stores blood and functions as a blood reservoir?

the spleen.

Do hamsters have spleens?

Yes, they do. The spleen of the hamster functions much as the spleen in humans, including immune system functions.

What organs takes over many functions of the spleen after a splenectomy?

There is no one specific organ that takes over the functions of the spleen, rather their are several tissues in the body that are able to pick up some of the important functions of the spleen, for example the recycling of red blood cells. Yes that is true, but, once the spleen is gone, the liver takes over most of the fuctions that the spleen used to do.

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A splenule is a small accessory spleen that is separate from the main spleen. They are typically found near the main spleen and can vary in size. Splenules perform the same functions as the main spleen.

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It is one of the functions of the spleen to store extra erythrocytes. The spleen also filters foreign matter from the blood.

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Your spleen filters your blood and gets rid of old blood cells. If you have had your spleen surgically removed then over time your liver will start to take over these functions.

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What is the location of the monocyte?

Over half of them are found in the spleen, but they also circulate throughout the body in our blood. Being a part of the blood allows them to be easily transported to the site of infection which is one of their major functions.

How long can a person live without spleen?

you can live indefinatly without a spleen The spleen is essential for the formation of red blood cells in a fetus until the bone marrow develops. After birth it normally performs several important functions, but all of them can be taken over by by other organs.

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The spleen has a major hemolytic function in the body. It filters and removes old or damaged red blood cells from circulation.

Name the lymphoid organ in the abdominal cavity?

The lymphoid organ in the abdominal cavity is the spleen. It functions as a filter for blood, removing old or damaged red blood cells and foreign substances. Additionally, the spleen plays a role in immune responses by producing and storing white blood cells.

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The spleen produces red blood cells and functions in the immune response