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There's any number of beliefs that were once held but rejected in favour of more accurate models. There is insufficient information in the question to answer coherently.

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Two theories that are not accepted today are the geocentric theory (belief that the Earth is the center of the universe) and the theory of spontaneous generation (belief that living organisms can arise from non-living matter).

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Q: What are the two theories that are not accepted today?
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Are all of Darwin's ideas accepted today as scientifically correct?

Most of Darwin's ideas, such as natural selection and common descent, are widely accepted in the scientific community today. However, some aspects of his work, like the mechanisms of heredity and the pace of evolution, have been refined and expanded upon with more recent scientific discoveries.

What is the theories on the origin of life is mostly accepted?

The theory of abiogenesis, which suggests that life arose from non-living matter through natural processes, is widely accepted by the scientific community. This theory proposes that simple organic molecules gradually evolved into more complex structures, eventually giving rise to the first living organisms.

What are the theories regarding to the origin of people?

The two main theories regarding the origin of people are the theory of evolution, which posits that humans evolved from apelike ancestors over millions of years, and the theory of creationism, which suggests that humans were created by a divine being in their present form. Both theories have proponents and detractors, and the debate between them continues to this day.

Why is the cell theory accepted today?

The cell theory is accepted today because it has been supported by numerous observations and experiments. It provides a framework for understanding the basic unit of life and how organisms are structured and function. Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed scientists to further investigate and confirm the principles of the cell theory.

What is most widely accepted idea about the origin?

The most widely accepted idea about the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory. This theory proposes that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, which then rapidly expanded about 13.8 billion years ago, leading to the universe we observe today.

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After the theories accepted today it is a risk for atherosclerosis and infarctus myocardii.

How was the Windeby Girl discovered?

there are two main theories that are accepted in the world of historians:By a shovel; andThrough the use of dark magic

Are all theories always completely accepted or completely rejected?

Fact supported theories and not guesses, but reliable accounts of the real world. Most theories accepted by scientists have been repeatedly tested by experiments and thus can be used to make predictions, which are then most likely to be true

Are all theories accepted or rejected?

No, not all theories are accepted or rejected. The acceptance or rejection of a theory depends on the evidence supporting it, how well it explains a phenomenon, and its ability to make accurate predictions. Some theories are widely accepted, while others may be rejected or revised based on new evidence or alternative explanations.

Are theories always completely accepted or rejected?

No. Very few theories are completely accepted or rejected; most theories go through several iterations of modification and adjustment. Even the most ridiculous theory has at least SOME element of validity, and the best theories aren't 100% perfect.

Why are theories accepted?

if the theory provides support to the main point or provide a link on the research going on then it is accepted

Are there any scientific theories that are not yet fully accepted?

not that I am aware of

What did rocky marciano's wife die?

There are two accepted theories: 1. He beat the hell out of her 2. She swallowed

What did Jean Jacque Rousseau do?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher in the 18th century. He wrote novels and had many different theories on humans, some of which are still accepted today.

What are not theories accepted?

because that quenstion doesnt make any sense

What are the two scientific theories about the origin of the world?

Today only a theory is generally adopted: the big bang theory.

Are Plato's theories still useful today?

Yes, many of Plato's theories, such as his ideas on ethics, justice, and politics, are still studied and applied today. His philosophical concepts continue to influence various fields of study, including philosophy, psychology, and education. While some of his specific ideas may be outdated, the principles and foundations of his theories remain relevant and thought-provoking.