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gluteal tuberosity and the greater and lesser trochanters

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8mo ago

The two sites of muscle attachment on the proximal femur are the greater trochanter and the lesser trochanter. These bony prominences serve as points of attachment for muscles that control movements at the hip joint.

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13y ago

Greater and lesser trochanter

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Q: What are the two sites of muscle attachment on the proxial femur?
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Sites of muscle attachment on the proximal femur?

The proximal femur contains several important sites of muscle attachment, including the greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, linea aspera, and medial and lateral epicondyles. These sites serve as points where muscles, tendons, and ligaments attach to the femur to allow for movement and stability of the hip joint.

What are some attachment sites for muscles in the human body?

Some attachment sites for muscles in the human body include bones, tendons, and ligaments. Muscles attach to bones via tendons, which are strong connective tissues that help transmit the force generated by the muscle to the bone. Ligaments are also important attachment sites for muscles, as they connect bones to other bones and provide stability to joints.

In a chromosome a blank is a constricted region with attachment sites for microtubules?

In a chromosome, a centromere is a constricted region with attachment sites for microtubules.

Why are there more indirect-that is tendinous-muscles attachments to bone then there are direct attachments?

Tendons are very versitile. They are made of collagenous tissue which is highly resistant to extension and also relatively flexible. The main attachment sites of skeletal muscles are tendons. Tendons are the main attachment type for skeletal muscle to bone or cartilage. Tendons are by far the most important tissue for attachment and are present wherever the point of insertion is distant or the muscle must exert its forces of contraction across a joint.

What does bacteria use to attach themselves to the host?

bacteria use pilli as the sites of attachment.. these are hollow,non helical tube like structures.. but are smaller than flagella.. sex pilli are sites of attachment for the process of conjugation..

Is the sternocleidomastoid named for its origin and insertion?

Yes, the sternocleidomastoid muscle is named for its origins on the sternum (sterno-) and clavicle (cleido-) and its insertion on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

What is the main fuction of bone?

The main function of bones is to provide structure, support, and protection for the body. Bones also serve as sites for muscle attachment, store minerals like calcium and phosphorus, and are involved in the production of blood cells through the bone marrow.

What muscle proteins help turn muscle contration on and off?

Calcium is responsible for binding to troponin sites which release tropomyosin off the active binding sites on the thin filament.

When a muscle is at rest the active sites on the actin are blocked by?

When a muscle is at rest, the active sites on the actin are blocked by tropomyosin. Tropomyosin prevents myosin binding to actin, which helps to keep the muscle relaxed. In order for muscle contraction to occur, tropomyosin must be moved out of the way to expose the active sites on actin.

What modern skeletal features does the splanchnocranium give rise to?

In Agnathans, the spalnchnocranium supports the gills and offers sites for muscle attachment. In Gnathostomes, these elements contribute to the jaws and hyoid apparatus. In Osteicthyes, this elements ossify in the endochondral bones and in mammals the splanchnocranium forms the inner ear bones.

Myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of?

actin filaments in muscle cells during muscle contraction.

What muscle cell protein covers the myosin binding sites on actin fimlaments?
