the two main functions of a fruit is to protect seeds while they germinate and to help disperse seeds away from the parent plant
The two main functions of fungi are decomposing organic matter to recycle nutrients in the ecosystem and forming symbiotic relationships with plants to aid in nutrient uptake and enhance plant growth.
Plants form a symbiotic relationship with animals, who eat their fruit and carry the seeds to a new area with possibly less competition over sunlight and nutrients. They entice animals to eat the fruit with a sweet taste and attractive colors.
The two main functions of stems are to support the plant and carry nutrients and water between the roots and leaves. Additionally, stems also house the vascular tissues that transport these essential materials throughout the plant.
Transpiration is the process by which water is drawn up from the roots of a plant and evaporates from the leaves into the atmosphere. It helps in the transport of water and nutrients throughout the plant, as well as in maintaining its temperature and structural integrity. Additionally, transpiration plays a role in the movement of minerals from the soil into the plant.
The two main functions of art criticism are evaluation and interpretation. Evaluation involves judging the quality and significance of artworks, while interpretation aims to understand the meaning and messages conveyed by the art.
The two main functions of fungi are decomposing organic matter to recycle nutrients in the ecosystem and forming symbiotic relationships with plants to aid in nutrient uptake and enhance plant growth.
Stability and nurishment
Representation and education are the two main functions of interest groups.
A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant.A root is the organ of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil.A leaf is an organ of a vascular plant, as defined in botanical terms, and in particular in plant morphology.
what are the two main funtions of lipids
The main difference between a fruit and a vegetable is that a fruit develops from the ovary of a flower and contains seeds, while a vegetable is any other edible part of a plant. To distinguish between the two, you can look at whether the item has seeds (fruit) or not (vegetable).
what are the two main systems in a plant
Plants form a symbiotic relationship with animals, who eat their fruit and carry the seeds to a new area with possibly less competition over sunlight and nutrients. They entice animals to eat the fruit with a sweet taste and attractive colors.
The two main jobs of a plant are photosynthesis, which involves converting sunlight into energy, and transpiration, which involves moving water and nutrients throughout the plant.
Two functions of roots are to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
it is a support structure
it is a support structure