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The three main forms of tree based on their branching patterns are excurrent (single dominant trunk with lateral branches), decurrent (several dominant trunks with lateral branches), and palmate (multiple branches originating from a central point at the top).

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Q: What are the three main forms of tree based on their branching patterns?
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How do we classify fingerprints?

Fingerprints are classified based on the specific patterns created by ridges and valleys on the skin. The three main fingerprint patterns are arches, loops, and whorls. These patterns and their variations help forensic experts categorize and match fingerprints for identification purposes.

What are the three major patterns of the leaf vein?

The three major patterns of leaf veins are parallel, pinnate, and palmate. In parallel venation, the veins run parallel to each other from the base to the tip of the leaf. In pinnate venation, one main vein extends from the base to the tip, with smaller veins branching off it. In palmate venation, multiple main veins radiate outwards from a central point at the base of the leaf.

The three domains of organisms are based mainly on?

The three domains of organisms are based mainly on differences in cell structure, molecular makeup, and genetic makeup. These domains include Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Each domain represents a distinct lineage of life forms with unique characteristics.

How are fingerprints classified?

Fingerprints are classified based on the pattern of ridges and valleys they exhibit, typically categorized into three main types: arches, loops, and whorls. Further sub-classifications are made based on the presence of specific characteristics within the patterns, allowing for unique identification of individual fingerprints. These classifications are used to aid in matching and identifying fingerprints in forensic analysis.

What are the three forms of evidence supporting evolution?

The three forms of evidence supporting evolution are fossil record showing transitional forms, comparative anatomy highlighting similarities in structures across species, and genetic similarities indicating common ancestry.

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