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The three main functions of the cell membrane are:

1) It regulates materials that come in and out of a cell. It is selectively-permeable, meaning it allows certain molecules or substances to enter but keeps the others out, and vice versa (active and passive transport). In this way, it also protects the cell from harmful substances from the outside.

2) It helps to retain the cell's shape (along with the cytoskeleton) and maintain its integrity, as well as the organelles and materials inside.

3) To send and receive messages between cells.

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10y ago
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13y ago

1it allows things to go out and inside the cell

2maintains the cell shape and stabilizes the location of certain membrane proteins

3it protects the cell like how our skin protects our body

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10y ago

The cell membrane is a selectively permeable membrane surrounding the cell. The main function of the membrane is to protect the cell. It also functions to allow needed substances to pass in and out of the cell as well as to block other substances from entering or leaving the cell.

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4mo ago
  1. Control what enters and exits the cell
  2. Provide structural support and shape to the cell
  3. Facilitate cell communication with other cells
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12y ago

Membranes separate the cell from the outside world. They also separate different components within the cell. Membranes also decide what comes into the cell and what can leave the cell.

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15y ago

they are nouns and common nouns hee hee i know what i am doing no yew don't whatever yew r just jealous hee hee whatever

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15y ago

to filter proteins in and out, to protect the cell, and to give it shape

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13y ago

you guys are dumb this site does not give the right information so if your reading this right now you might want to hit the back space button once

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12y ago

this website is unbelievable thankyou.

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