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Risk factors for coronary artery disease are:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Family History
  • Smoking
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Physical Inactivity
  • High Stress
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7mo ago

Coronary Heart disease can increase the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, and other cardiovascular complications. It can also lead to chest pain, shortness of breath, and decreased quality of life. Unmanaged, it can be life-threatening.

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Q: What are the risks of having coronary heart disease?
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Can consuming excessive amounts of Coca-Cola lead to serious health risks that could potentially be life-threatening?

Yes, consuming excessive amounts of Coca-Cola can lead to serious health risks, including obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, heart disease, and even potentially life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks or strokes. It is important to consume sugary drinks like Coca-Cola in moderation to maintain good health.

Can drinking excessive amounts of Coca-Cola lead to serious health risks that could potentially be life-threatening?

Yes, drinking excessive amounts of Coca-Cola can lead to serious health risks such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and tooth decay, which could potentially be life-threatening. It is important to consume sugary drinks like Coca-Cola in moderation to maintain good health.

What sort of diseases can one get from sitting?

Sitting for long periods can lead to an increased risk of developing certain health conditions like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and lower back pain. It may also contribute to conditions like deep vein thrombosis and poor posture-related issues. It's important to take breaks from sitting, stretch, and move regularly to reduce these risks.

What is the definition of Obesity?

Being very overweight.

What is the prognosis for bundle branch block?

The prognosis for bundle branch block depends on the underlying cause and overall heart health of the individual. In some cases, it may not cause any symptoms or issues. However, those with certain heart conditions may be at increased risk for more serious complications such as heart failure or arrhythmias. Regular monitoring and follow-up with a healthcare provider is important to manage any associated risks.

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What are your specific risks during coronary artery disease surgery?

Risks and Complications of Heart SurgeryUnderstanding the Potential Risks of Heart SurgeryEvery open heart surgery presents the risk of complications specific to the procedure being performed, in addition to the general risks of surgery. The risks vary from one type of heart surgery to another (including pacemaker placement, coronary artery bypass grafting,congenital defect repair, valve repairs and more), and may be higher if the heart is stopped and blood is pumped by a cardiopulmonary bypass machine rather than by the heart during the procedure.

What are the health risks in smoking hubly bubly?

Well you can get heart disease lung disease. There are all sorts of different risks.

Treatments For Coronary Heart Disease?

Coronary heart disease can be caused by genetics, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and lifestyle choices. When the coronary arteries become damaged either by hardening or occlusion, it places individuals at risk for heart attack and stroke. When blood flow is impeded because of a blockage, it can cause a clot and subsequent cardiac or neurological event. Although coronary heart disease can cause significant detrimental effects on health, there are a number of effective treatments available to reduce the risk.Lifestyle ChangesSmoking and obesity can contribute to coronary heart disease, and by avoiding smoking and losing weight, people can dramatically reduce their risks of heart attack and stroke. Obesity is also a contributing factor for elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, also risk factors for coronary heart disease. Not only does smoking contribute to coronary artery disease, it also has the potential to raise blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease in itself. Individuals should discuss smoking cessation techniques and weight management options with their health care providers to learn how they can real their goals.Managing Chronic Medical ConditionsEffectively managing diabetes, blood pressure and blood lipids can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and may even slow its progression. Consuming a healthy diet, exercising and adhering to the physician's medication treatment plan are important components in the management of all three conditions. In addition, managing these conditions can also reduce the risk of renal insufficiency, which can also worsen heart disease.Surgical InterventionSometimes, non-invasive methods of treating coronary heart disease are ineffective. In these situations, surgical intervention may be recommended. Common surgical interventions include the coronary artery bypass graft, or CABG. In this procedure, the occluded or damaged coronary artery is bypassed by using a healthy vein from another area in the body, commonly the leg. Another surgical procedure used in the treatment of heart disease includes balloon angioplasty. This procedure uses a balloon-tipped catheter, which is advanced through the femoral artery into the blocked coronary vessel. When the balloon reaches the offending area, it is then inflated. The inflation of the balloon presses the arterial debris against the walls of the vessel, providing a larger opening and restoring optimal blood flow.

Whether there are high risks of women getting heart disease compared to men.?

The risk of heart diseases from one gender to another is the same. The health risks lies more in genetics and eating habits.If a person has a family member with heart disease or a bad diet, they are more likely to get heart disease.

How alcohol causes disease?

its unhealthy gets to your heart disease fatel pills can cause fatal risks

Why heart attack happen in old people more than adult?

Because diseases like arteriosclerosis ( gradual decrease in arterial elasticity) and atherosclerosis( narrowing of arteries due deposition of plaques ) proceed by time or say age thus increasing risks of cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery disease, hypertension and ischemic heart disease thus when factors like this critically reduce blood supply to heart then heart attack occurs.

What are the risks of un healthy eating?

you can get heart disease lung infection brain damage

What are the health risks associated with a meat-eating diet?

Heart disease, cancer, gout

What are some health risks of being overweight?

The two biggest risks are diabetes and heart disease. There are other risks that may not be as readily apparent and one of them would be depression.

How many deaths from Heart disease?

salam.................An estimated 17 million people die of CVDs, particularly heart attacks and strokes, every year. A substantial number of these deaths can be attributed to tobacco smoking, which increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease 2-3 fold. Physical inactivity and unhealthy diet are other main risk factors which increase individual risks to cardiovascular diseases

What are the risk factors of heart disease?

There are many risks for heart disease, hereditary, diet, weight are just a few. To help reduce your chances of heart disease, lower salt intake, eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight.

What are the disadvantages of having a sex in different men?

The risks of contracting or communicating a sexually transmitted disease !