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Most Gymnosperms are diecious with the male and female reproductive organs on different plants. The male "flower" produces pollen and the female "flower" contains the ovary. Many female gymnosperms produce cones that house the fertilized eggs until the seeds are mature.

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2mo ago

The reproductive structures of gymnosperms are called cones. Gymnosperms produce male cones that contain pollen grains and female cones that contain ovules. Pollen grains from the male cones fertilize the ovules in the female cones to produce seeds.

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Q: What are the reproductive structures of genosperms?
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Which do hyphae, which extend above the surface of wherever a fungus is living, typically support?

Hyphae that extend above the surface of where a fungus is living typically support the reproductive structures of the fungus, including spore-producing structures like mushrooms or fruiting bodies. These structures are important for the fungus's reproduction and dispersal of spores.

Which body section contains the reproductive structures on a beetle?

The reproductive structures on a beetle are typically located on the abdomen. In males, the reproductive organs are usually found at the end of the abdomen, while in females, they are located nearer to the middle of the abdomen.

Are fronds the ferns sexual reproductive structure?

No, fronds are not the sexual reproductive structure of ferns. Fronds are the leafy structures of ferns that help in photosynthesis and reproduction occurs through specialized structures called spores produced on the underside of the fronds in structures called sori.

The gametophytes of gymnosperms are found inside reproductive structures called?

The gametophytes of gymnosperms live inside reproductive structures called cones. Gametophyte is the immediate result of fertilization in mosses.

What are the ways that flowers and reproductive organs are different?

Flowers are the reproductive structures of angiosperms, while reproductive organs are found in both animals and plants. Flowers are specialized structures that produce gametes for sexual reproduction, while reproductive organs in animals serve a variety of functions beyond reproduction. Flowers typically contain both male and female reproductive organs, while animals may have separate male and female reproductive organs.

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What type of plants use cones as reproductive structures?

All gymnosperms have cones as reproductive structures.

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All plants contain male and female reproductive structures

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All plants contain male and female reproductive structures

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The flower is the reproductive structure of the angiosperm.

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Phanerogamae is the plant division that has plants that produce the female reproductive structures.

Female reproductive structure in a flower?

The female reproductive structures in a flower is called the pistil.

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Reproductive structures of a plant are produced by the plant's leaves?

Reproductive structures of a plant, such as flowers and seeds, are typically not produced by the leaves. Instead, they are produced by specialized structures like flowers and cones. Leaves are primarily responsible for photosynthesis and gas exchange in plants.

What are the reproductive structures in a flower called?

stamen and pistil.

What is the reproductive structures for gymnosperms?

Male and female cones

What are plant structures that contain male reproductive?
