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Similarities in genes are typically due to common ancestry, where organisms inherited genetic material from a shared ancestor. Differences in genes can arise from mutations or genetic recombination, leading to genetic diversity within a population. Environmental factors also play a role in shaping gene expression and determining differences among individuals.

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Q: What are the causes of genes such similarities and differences?
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What Variations of homologous genes that result in differences in structure and function are?

These variations are called paralogs. Paralogs are genes that arise from gene duplication events and can evolve to perform different functions. Despite their structural similarities, paralogs can have distinct roles in biological processes.

What is the similarities and differences between these two microscopic organisms?

To provide a useful response, kindly specify the two microscopic organisms you are inquiring about so I can accurately outline their similarities and differences for you.

The study of embryological similarities and differences among species is called?

The study of embryological similarities and differences among species is called embryology. It involves comparing the development of embryos to understand evolutionary relationships and patterns in species.

Compare any differences in the appearance of genes on chromosomes in gamete cells when crossing over occurs and when it does not occur?

When crossing over occurs during meiosis, the genes on homologous chromosomes can exchange segments, leading to genetic recombination and variations in offspring. This results in a shuffled arrangement of genes on the chromosomes of gamete cells. In contrast, when crossing over does not occur, the genes on homologous chromosomes remain in their original positions, resulting in no genetic recombination and less variation in offspring.

Scientists who study the structural similarities and differences between organisms are called?


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What Variations of homologous genes that result in differences in structure and function are?

These variations are called paralogs. Paralogs are genes that arise from gene duplication events and can evolve to perform different functions. Despite their structural similarities, paralogs can have distinct roles in biological processes.

Traditional classifications tended to take into account primarily A extinct organisms B RNA similarities C DNA similarities D Visible similarities and differences?

D. Visible similarities and differences

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