The outer covering of a kernel is called the hull or husk. It serves to protect the inner seed or fruit.
The outer covering of an animal cell is the cell membrane. The outer covering of plant cells is the cell wall, which is much stronger and stiff.
The skin provides an outer covering for the body, serving as a barrier to protect against pathogens, UV radiation, and physical injuries. It also helps regulate body temperature and prevent dehydration.
An exoskeleton is a hard outer shell or protective covering found on the outside of certain animals, such as insects and crustaceans. It provides support and protection for the animal's body and organs.
Amphibians do not have outer covering.
Camels have hair as their outer covering.
Whale is a mammal hence its outer covering should be hair.
Bat is a mammal, so it's outer covering is hair whereas bird's outer covering is feather.
fleas can only live om animals that have hair or fur or feathers. they use the outer covering of these animals for shelter.
hair sort
To molt is to periodically shed all or part of any outer covering such as hair, feathers or skin.
The outer covering of an insect is called the exoskeleton.