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Ways animals and plants depend on each other is the circle of life. Plants do the Photosynthesis if they don't they die. If plants die , herbavors die of hunger. Then meat eaters die of hunger. Plants depend on animals to die ito the earth and create fertilizer and plants depend on animals to spread pollen and make even more plants. For example, bees. With pollenation.

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15y ago
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2mo ago

Plants provide oxygen, food, and habitat for animals while animals help in pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient recycling for plants. This mutual relationship is crucial for the survival and balance of ecosystems.

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12y ago


- provide oxygen/recycle carbon dioxide

- provide food

- provide shelter (habitat)


- provide fertilizer/manure

- help with fertilization of flowers

- help with seed dispersion

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13y ago

farm animals eat the vegetation in a feild to make way for new plants, eating the vegetation turns it into manure which is fertilizer for plant growth. animals such as birds will feed on insects that are damaging to plants.

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13y ago

Yes they do but their way of helping each other is no ment but just a animal doing something can help a plant for example if a horse, well poos the horses manure is used to plant plants inside so even though the horse didn't know that he was doing any good to nature the plant still befited from it!!

Hope that helped.

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10y ago

we all know that plant is a producer or autotroph and animal is a consumer or Heterotroph. Animal(all organism) are totaly depend on plant for thier food and plant in turn depend on solar energy and other things like raw material-water,carbodioxide,mineral and nutrients. And this nutrients are come in soil by decomposition of dead leaves and other plant and animal matter which enriches the soil with, plant are also in turn depended on animal for nutrients or fertilizer or we can say that plant and animal are depended on each other in environment.

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13y ago

Plants help animals by providing oxygen to the animals. Animals help plants by providing carbon dioxide and water.

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Q: What are ways plants and animals depend on each other?
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What are a group of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival and the environment they live in?


In a forest a group of different plants and animals depend on each other for food and other needs This group is called a?

Forest ecosystem.

Conclusion on interdependence between animals and plants?

Animals and plants depend on each other for survival and ecosystem stability. Plants provide food, oxygen, and habitat for animals, while animals contribute to pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling for plants. This interdependence creates a balanced ecosystem where each species plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health and functioning of the environment.

What are two ways organisms depend on each other?

Organisms depend on each other for food and shelter. For example, herbivores depend on plants for food, while plants depend on herbivores for pollination. Organisms also depend on each other for protection, such as cleaner fish removing parasites from larger fish in a mutualistic relationship.

What is it called when 2 animals depend on each other?

All animals depend on each others existence, but in a more specific description one could say symbiotic relations(prolonged association between two or more different organisms) between many animals have evolved to the point of dependence. Some examples of this is the dependence of many plants for their pollinators. Symbiosis dosnt always have a factor on dependence many animals depend on mosquitoes like frogs and spiders same with flies but all in all, all the animals including us depend on one another.

Related questions

How do plants and animals depend on each other on the aquarium?

Plants are at the bottom of the food chain. Plants can take nutrients from the soil and sunlight to make food for animals. Plants also make oxygen for animals including us to use, and we make carbon dioxide for the plants to use to make more oxygen. Plants can rely on animals to. Birds eat berries with seeds and poop them out in different places to help the plants reproduce.

How plants and animals depend on each other?

Animals eat plants AND fertilize them . A good deal all around.Symbiotic.

Why animal and plants depend on each other?

Animals depend on plants for carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Also because some animals need plants for food. Plants depend on animals for seed dispersal and pollination. Many animals depend on plants. Most animals just eat them, but some animals will you plants as shelter, to hide from predators, and many other reasons. Plants also depend on animals for energy. When an animal dies it provides nutrients for the plants to feed off of.

How do plants animals depend on each other In monsoon region?

they all depend on each other like if it rains a lot plants might die because of the increasing water this situation animals might dring this water

Why do plants and animals depend on each other so much?

plants provide food and plants provide carbon dioxide

How do animals and plants depend on each other in pond life?

Animals eat the plant and breaths out carbon dioxide which plants need to survive

In which ways plants and animal depend on each other?

well you need animals to have plants cause plants breathe and so do animals. animals breathe what plant exhale and we breathe what plants exhale.

How do animals and plants depend on each other in habitat?

Animals and Plants are very much dependent on each other, they both NEED each other to survive. Animals help pollinate plants, and the plants would go extinct if the animals didnt do that. Plants also provide nutrients for the animals, they are a part of the animal's diet. so it's the circle of life.

How does animals and plants depend on each other?

plants make energy and food from the sun with photosynthesis. Animals eat plants which give the consumers energy. We breathe oxygen

How angiosperm and animals depend on each other?

The herbevour animals eat leaves of angiospermic plant as their food and angiospermic plants get manure from the excretion of these animals.

How do animal cells and plant cells depend on each other?

because if there weren't animals to eat the plants the world would be filled with plants

What are a group of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival and the environment they live in?