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neuron's input region; "receiving end" of the cell ; neuron's "branches" ; cellular specialization for downstream potentials, etc. you can use the definition of the word to say dendrites in other ways (for the most part).

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Branches, extensions, processes.

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Q: What are some other words for dendrites?
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What do dendrites connect?

Dendrites connect to other receptive cell (ie. Receptors)

What words that have dendron in them?

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Do axons carry messages received by the dendrites to other neurons?

Yes! The axon carries messages received by the dendrites to other neurons.

What are the 3 main structures of a neuron?

The three main structures of a neuron are the cell body (soma), dendrites, and axon. The cell body contains the nucleus and other organelles, the dendrites receive signals from other neurons, and the axon transmits signals to other neurons or cells.

What are extensions of a neuron that receive signals?

Dendrites are the extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses towards the cell body of the neuron.

What are the short fibers that extend from the neuron called?

The short fibers that extend from a neuron are called dendrites. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body of the neuron.

Number of parts in a neuron?

It depends on the neuron. They all have a cell body. They have dendrites and some have dendrites plus axon(s).

What is the function of the dentrites?

Dendrites are attaches to the axon terminals of other neurons. The nerve impulse travel from other neurons into the corresponding neuron via dendrites.

Short branched extensions of a neuron?

Dendrites are the short branched extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. They play a crucial role in integrating incoming signals and allowing nerve cells to communicate with each other.

What processes of a neuron that receives signals from other neurons?


Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from what other nerve cells?

Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from other nerve cells are called dendrites. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit these signals to the cell body of the neuron.

Axons and dendrites?

Axons are responsible for transmitting electrical signals away from the neuron cell body. Dendrites, on the other hand, receive incoming signals from axons of other neurons. Together, axons and dendrites play a crucial role in the communication between neurons in the nervous system.