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As a little background to help with this answer, there are 3 main different types of adaptation:

  • Anatomical: Adaptations of the anatomy of the organism. These are physical adaptations which we can see. Eg, the spikes or spines on a cactus help stop animals eating it.
  • Behavioural: Perhaps the most amazing, these are behaviours that animals, or indeed, groups of animals perform to help them survive in their environment. Eg, when penguins gather together during blizzards to fight the cold. (If you haven't already, I suggest you watch March of the Penguins!)
  • Physiological: These adaptations are of the organisms physiology. Physiology is the study of what goes on inside organisms. An example can be found below.

An example of a physiological adaptation is Danish Scurvy Grass in the UK. These are white flowers often found by the sea but, due to increasing levels of salt being used on roads to melt ice, they are now being found on the sides of roads.

The physiological adaptation here is the plants toleranceto high concentrations of salt. The plants have adapted an ability to resist high levels of salt meaning that they can grow in areas where many other plants cannot. This gives them a survival advantage.

Hope this helps!

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12y ago
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3mo ago

Examples of body processes adaptation include increased heart rate during exercise to deliver more oxygen to muscles, dilation of blood vessels in hot environments to release heat, and insulin release in response to glucose intake to regulate blood sugar levels.

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10y ago

An example of a physical adaptation is the bill of a platypus. The platypus's bill has sensitive electroreceptors which pick up tiny nerve and electrical impulses generated by crustaceans and other animals that inhabit the bottom of the creek or river. The platypus then uses its bill to shovel away the dirt, and find the food. It does not have teeth, but hard bony plates which it uses to grind the food.

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12y ago

Physiology means how things work such as your digestive system. Animals that eat plants actually digest cellulose. Their adaptation has been to have microorganisms living in their digestive tract that CAN digest cellulose. Many animals and plants have the ability to live in desert conditions. Cactus absorb volumes of water when rains come once or twice a year. They store large volumes of water in their fleshly stems. Other plants only begin photosynthesis at night when they open their stomata to take in carbon dioxide. Other plants only can do this during the day.

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14y ago

Creating venom or poison (like snake glands and scorpions)

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12y ago

snakes making venom

snails making slime

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11y ago

an animal that has a perfect body and a perfect adaptation.

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winning a soccer match is an example of a physical adaptation.

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Q: What are some examples of body processes adaptation?
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What are some examples of homeostasis in the human body?

Examples of homeostasis in the human body include regulating body temperature by sweating or shivering, maintaining blood glucose levels through insulin and glucagon, and balancing pH levels in the blood through processes like respiration and kidney function.

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Some common acids found in the human body include hydrochloric acid in the stomach for digestion, citric acid involved in energy production, and lactic acid produced during strenuous exercise. These acids play important roles in various physiological processes within the body.

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Examples of body composition measurements include body fat percentage, muscle mass, bone density, and hydration levels. These measurements can provide insight into an individual's overall health and fitness levels.

What are some examples of bacteria and is it good or bad?

Examples of bacteria include E. coli, Streptococcus, and Lactobacillus. Bacteria can be both good and bad: some bacteria are beneficial and necessary for processes like digestion, while others can cause diseases or infections.

What are some examples of adaptation of animals and plants?

Some examples of animal adaptations include camouflage in chameleons, hibernation in bears, and echolocation in bats. Plant adaptations include succulence in desert plants to store water, thorns and spines on cacti for protection, and the ability of some plants to close their leaves in response to touch.

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