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Examples of internal structures that enable organisms to survive in their environment include specialized organs such as gills for underwater respiration in fish, air sacs in birds for efficient oxygen exchange, and specialized digestive systems like rumens in ruminant animals to digest cellulose. These structures are adapted to meet the specific challenges of the organism's environment and help ensure their survival.

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Q: What are some examples of internal structures that allow organisms to survive in their environment?
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What marine organisms whose internal salt concentration varies with that of their environment are examples of?

Marine organisms that maintain their internal salt concentration to match their environment are known as osmoconformers, such as jellyfish, sea anemones, and some bivalves. These organisms allow their internal salt concentration to vary with the surrounding seawater to avoid losing excessive water or becoming dehydrated.

How are multicellular organisms more efficient than unicellular organisms?

it is...... the thing that is on the moon

Five traits organisms have?

Reproduction: Organisms have the ability to produce offspring. Homeostasis: Organisms maintain a stable internal environment to support life functions. Adaptation: Organisms can evolve and change over time to better suit their environment. Growth: Organisms go through various stages of development and increase in size. Response to stimuli: Organisms can react to external stimuli in their environment.

What are two examples of organisms maintaining homeostasis?

Two examples of organisms maintaining homeostasis are humans regulating body temperature through sweating and shivering to maintain a stable internal temperature, and fish adjusting their salt levels in response to changes in water salinity to maintain proper internal balance.

Explain what is meant by the statement Organisms regulate their internal environment?

Organisms regulate their internal environment, also known as homeostasis, by maintaining stable conditions within their bodies despite external changes. This process allows organisms to optimize their physiological functions and adapt to varying environmental conditions, ensuring their survival and overall well-being.

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What marine organisms whose internal salt concentration varies with that of their environment are examples of?

Marine organisms that maintain their internal salt concentration to match their environment are known as osmoconformers, such as jellyfish, sea anemones, and some bivalves. These organisms allow their internal salt concentration to vary with the surrounding seawater to avoid losing excessive water or becoming dehydrated.

Which term refers specifically to the structures that provide information about conditions in the internal environment?

Homeostatic receptors are the structures that provide information about conditions in the internal environment in living organisms. They help regulate physiological processes to maintain a stable internal environment.

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What are internal structures of organisms?

Internal structures of organisms refer to the organs, tissues, and systems that make up their body. These structures include the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems, as well as organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, brain, and kidneys. These internal structures are responsible for carrying out specific functions necessary for the organism's survival and overall well-being.

Which term describe a organisms ability to maintain a stable internal environment?


What are some examples of osmoregulators?

Examples of osmoregulators include marine invertebrates such as crabs and lobsters, as well as freshwater fish like trout and salmon. These organisms actively regulate their internal solute concentrations to maintain osmotic balance with their environment.

Is internal environment for multicellular organisms cellular?

Yes, the internal environment for multicellular organisms is cellular. It is made up of various types of cells that work together to maintain physiological functions within the body. These cells communicate and coordinate with each other to support the overall health and function of the organism.

What are examples of chemical factors in the internal environment of the human body?


What helps organisms monitor the environment and enables them to respond to changes in it?

internal control systems

What does the homeostasis do?

Homeostasis is the regulation of internal biochemistry to maintain a constant internal environment. Without this constant regulation, living organisms would be unable to function. Therefore, homeostasis is the regulation of the internal environment of the body, and also the maintenance of this constant environment. Hope this helps!