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One key difference is that in humans, the large intestine is longer and more developed than in frogs. The large intestine in frogs is simpler in structure and functions primarily in water reabsorption. Additionally, frogs have a specialized structure called the cloaca, which serves as a chamber for excretion, reproduction, and waste elimination.

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Q: What are differences between frogs and humans large intestines?
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What are the differences in the frogs glottis and the humans glottis?

The glottis in frogs is located at the back of the mouth and is used for both breathing and vocalization, while the human glottis is located within the larynx and is primarily involved in sound production for speech. Additionally, frogs have a more complex vocal sac around their glottis that helps amplify their calls, which humans do not have.

Do humans have fat bodies like frogs?

No, humans do not have fat bodies like frogs. Frogs have a unique body structure that includes storing fat in specific locations to survive hibernation and other periods of inactivity. Humans store fat under the skin and around internal organs for energy storage and insulation.

What is more closely related to humans turtles or frogs?

Turtles (reptiles) are close to humans and frogs (amphibians)

Do humans undergo metamorphosis?

No, humans do not undergo metamorphosis like some insects or amphibians do. Rather, humans experience gradual development and growth from birth through adolescence to adulthood without distinct stages of transformation.

Do chickens have large intestines?

Yes, chickens have a relatively short and simple digestive system compared to mammals. They do have a large intestine, but it is not as developed as in mammals and plays a smaller role in their digestion. The ceca are two blind pouches located at the junction of the small and large intestines where fermentation takes place.

Related questions

What are the differences in the frogs pharynx and the humans pharynx?

A frogs pharynx is twice the size of a humans

What is the relationship between between amoeba and frog intestines?

Amoebas live in the water with frogs. The relationship between amoebas and frog intestines, is that certain amoebas can be found feeding off of the intestines of the frog.

What are the similarities of the glottis between humans and frogs?

I have heard that a frogs glottis is larger than a humans...

What are the differences between a frog and a human?

Humans use lungs only, Frogs can "breathe" through their thin moist skin, through gills, and lungs

Why are there so many tiny blood vessels attached to the intestines of a frog?

Similar to humans, frogs have tiny blood vessels attached to the intestines to aid the absorption of nutrients into the blood after digestion.

What are six anatomical differences between the digestive system of a human and a frog?

Frogs have a much simpler digestive system compared to humans, with a single-chambered stomach while humans have a complex four-chambered stomach. Humans have a longer small intestine for nutrient absorption, while frogs have a shorter one. Frogs have a large sac-like structure called the gall bladder to store bile, while humans have a gall bladder but it is not as prominent as in frogs. Frogs have a single opening for both ingestion and excretion called the cloaca, while humans have separate openings for these functions. Frogs have a specialized organ called a cloacal bursa for water absorption, which humans lack. Frogs have a shorter large intestine compared to humans.

How long are a frogs intestines?

The frogs intestine is 28 inches in length

Do frogs have long intestines?

You should just have the stuff with people, not frogs.

What are the differences between the outer nostril of a frog and the outer nostril of a human?

The outer nostrils of a frog differ most greatly from the nostril of a human in that frogs can close their nostrils, while humans can not. It should be noted, however, that only certain species of frogs are able to do this.

How are the skeletons of humans and frogs are different?

Frogs have smaller bones then humans.

What is the system that includes frogs stomach and intestines?

Digestive System.

What organ is underneath a frogs stomach?

Intestines are present underneath frogs stomach i.e on the posterior side of the body.