If you mean axillary nodes, they are bean shaped glands. They belong to the lymphatic part of the body.
Auxiliary nodes are secondary nodes that provide support or backup to a main node or system. They assist in managing tasks, processing data, or enhancing the functionality of the primary node. These nodes work in conjunction with the main node to distribute workload efficiently and ensure overall system reliability.
Cephalic lymph nodes are located near the head and neck region, while pectoral lymph nodes are found near the chest area. Cephalic lymph nodes drain lymph from the scalp, face, and neck, while pectoral lymph nodes drain lymph from the breasts and chest wall.
Yes, there are lymph nodes located along the jawline. These lymph nodes play a role in filtering lymph fluid and immune response in the head and neck region. Swelling or tenderness in these lymph nodes can sometimes be an indication of infection or inflammation in the surrounding areas.
Nodes on a stem can be identified by the presence of buds, leaves, branches, or flowers emerging from that point. They are usually slightly swollen compared to the internodes (spaces between nodes) and can vary in size and shape depending on the plant species. Additionally, nodes are where leaves are typically attached to the stem.
The space between nodes in a network is typically referred to as an edge or a link. This edge represents the connection or relationship between the nodes in the network.
T cells are located in the paracortex region of lymph nodes.
Typically, the sentinel nodes are axillary nodes. If you are having the axillary nodes removed, the sentinal nodes will also be removed.
Anterior and posterior cervical lymph nodes.
The Mediastinal Nodes are lymph nodes located in the center of the chest. The Superior Mediastinal Nodes are adjacent to the Trachea and Esophagus. The Inferior Mediastinal Nodes lie between the lower lobes of the Lungs.
"Nodes" is a noun.
tiny vessels
The total number of nodes in the electron cloud of an atom, including both angular nodes and radial nodes, is determined by the quantum numbers of the electron. The number of nodes can vary depending on the specific electron configuration of the atom.
The jugulodigastric lymph nodes are located in the neck close to the cervical nodes.
The presence of buds at the nodes
150 nodes
3 nodes in 4f
The number of radial nodes and angular nodes in an atomic orbital determine its overall shape. Radial nodes affect the distance from the nucleus, while angular nodes influence the orientation of the orbital. More nodes lead to a more complex and intricate shape of the orbital.
Lymph Nodes