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An alveolus (plural: alveoli, from Latin alveolus, "little cavity") is an anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity. Found in the lung, the pulmonary alveoli are spherical outcroppings of the respiratory sites of gas exchange with the blood. Alveoli are particular to mammalian lungs. Different structures are involved in gas exchange in other vertebrates.[1] They contain some collagen and elastic fibres, and they are lined with epithelium. The elastic fibers allow the alveoli to stretch as they fill with air when breathing in. They then spring back during breathing out in order to expel the carbon dioxide-rich air. The alveolar membrane is the gas-exchange surface.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Alveoli are tiny air sacs located at the end of the bronchioles in the lungs. They are where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place between the lungs and the bloodstream during the process of respiration. Each lung contains millions of alveoli that contribute to efficient gas exchange.

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What happens to the our breathing rate during the race?

It just increases its rate in order to send more oxygen which is captured by the alveoles of the lungs and rapidly absorbed by the blood arteries going straight to your muscles and brain. The more you think and moves your body, more oxygen and glucose is required as well, which is stored in your liver, and released on such situations. Text by king elcid, corrections are welcome.

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