Butterflies have four wings whereas birds have two wings and two legs. Butterflies have a thin body with long antennae, while birds have a beak, feathers, and two eyes on each side of their head. Additionally, butterflies undergo metamorphosis, while birds hatch from eggs as chicks.
Sweet foods and greasy foods contain high levels of calories and energy, which were beneficial for our ancestors to survive and thrive. Our brain is wired to find these foods pleasurable as a way to encourage consumption of high-calorie foods for energy storage. This is known as the evolutionary drive for seeking out sweet and fatty foods.
As far as i can tell a rabble of butterflys or a swarm of butterflys is the answer ... go figure ???
Butterflies primarily feed on nectar from flowers. Some species also feed on tree sap, rotting fruits, and minerals found in wet soil. Caterpillars, the larval stage of butterflies, primarily feed on plant leaves.
Nicki Minaj has not publicly disclosed her favorite flower.
I think her favorite foods are hamburgers, pizza, same foods i like.
He's favorite food is taco bell
His favorite foods are burgers, Pizza, and pasta.
He had many favorite foods but perhaps the most famous of his favorite foods is a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Luke Bryan's favorite foods are turnip greens, cornbreads,and maybe pizza
She says she doesn't really have a favorite food she said she loves all foods!
Selene's favorite food was goat.