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The five traits absent in charophyceans are:

  1. apical meristems
  2. alternation of generations
  3. walled spores produced in sporangia
  4. multicellular gametangia
  5. multicellular dependent embryos
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8mo ago
  1. They have multicellular, eukaryotic structure.
  2. They possess cell walls made of cellulose.
  3. Land plants undergo alternation of generations in their life cycle.
  4. They have specialized structures like roots, stems, and leaves.
  5. They reproduce through spores or seeds.
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12y ago

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Q: What are 5 characteristics of land plants?
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To find the ancestors of plants scientist first looked at other organism that carry on?

Research on the ancestors of plants involved studying algae, as they are believed to be the ancestors of land plants. This is because algae and plants share common traits such as photosynthesis and cell structure. By analyzing the similarities and differences between algae and plants, scientists were able to trace the evolutionary history of plants.

How many syllaboles are in characteristics?

The word "characteristics" has 5 syllables.

Which characteristics help enable plants to survive on land?

Plants have adapted to survive on land through features such as a waxy cuticle to prevent water loss, vascular tissues for nutrient transport, and roots for anchorage and nutrient uptake. Additionally, the evolution of seeds and pollen allowed plants to reproduce without relying on water.

Does most photosynthesis happen in land plants or in water plants in the ocean?

Most photosynthesis occurs in land plants. This is because there is more light available on land than in the deeper regions of the ocean where water plants are found. However, ocean plants like phytoplankton also play a significant role in global carbon fixation due to their vast numbers.

Which protists are in the same eukaryotic supergroup as land plants?

Protists in the supergroup Archaeplastida are in the same eukaryotic supergroup as land plants. This supergroup includes red algae, green algae, and land plants, which all share a common ancestor that underwent primary endosymbiosis with a cyanobacterium.

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What protists are considered to be ancestors of land plants?

Green algae, particularly charophytes, are considered to be the closest relatives and ancestors of land plants. They share many characteristics with land plants, such as similar chloroplast structure and reproductive features. This close evolutionary relationship suggests that land plants evolved from green algae.

What is the 5 characteristics common to all life on earth?

people,anaimals,trees,plants,and food

How are charophyceans and land plants related?

Charophyceans are a type of green algae that are believed to be the closest living relatives of land plants. Both charophyceans and land plants share similarities in their cell structure, reproduction processes, and certain genetic characteristics. This relationship suggests that land plants evolved from an ancestral charophycean algae.

What is the phylum of organisms most closely linked to the evolution of land plants?

The phylum of organisms most closely linked to the evolution of land plants is Charophyta, specifically the group called charophytes. Charophytes are green algae that share many characteristics with land plants, such as cell wall composition and similar reproductive structures. This close relationship suggests that land plants evolved from charophytes.

What are the characteristics of all plants?

Some common characteristics of all plants are that they contain a cell wall. Other characteristics are making their own food and that plants contain a cuticle.

What are the caritoristics of plants?

what are three characteristics of plants

What are three characteristics of plants?

There are many different kinds of characteristics of plants. Plants are usually grown in dirt and use sunlight for food.

What is charophyceans?

Charophyceans are a group of green algae that are closely related to land plants. They are found primarily in fresh water and have some characteristics, such as cellulose cell walls and similar reproductive structures, that are shared with land plants. Charophyceans are considered important in the study of plant evolution.

How are charophyceans and land plants?

Land plants evolved from Charophyceans. Charophyceans lived in the water and land plants dont.

What two characteristics of land produce run off?

the two characteristics of land are slopes and mountains.

What characteristics do plants have?
