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After the eruption, plants began to colonize the volcanic debris. Such plants that is called pioneer species

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13y ago
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13y ago

Pioneer species are the first specie to Pilate area. The area is usually made up of just rock; no soil or any other living things. Some examples of pioneer specie's are lichens and mosses.

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16y ago

There are SO many trees in the rainforest, that it is hard to say all of them. To make a long answer short, almost EVERY kind of tree!

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12y ago

A pioneer species (usually plants) is the first species to live in an area. For example, a pine tree found living in an empty, dry land would be the pioneer species.

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14y ago

the answer to this question would be a kapok tree!! plus others

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16y ago

slime mold, and many other types of fungi

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13y ago

Omg i dont know :)

wow dude

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4y ago

Ann it the best perosn

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Q: What is an example of a pioneer species in secondary succession?
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When an uncut lawn becomes a meadow and eventually a forest this process is an example of what?

This process is an example of ecological succession, where plant communities change over time in response to environmental conditions. It typically involves a progression from simpler pioneer species to more complex, stable communities.

After an event such as a forest fire an ecosystem experiences what is called?

After a forest fire, an ecosystem goes through a process called succession. This is the gradual change in plant and animal communities over time as the ecosystem recovers and regenerates. Initially, pioneer species colonize the area followed by a more diverse community as succession progresses.

What is succession pioneer community?

A succession pioneer community is the initial stage of succession in an ecosystem, where pioneer species colonize a barren environment and begin the process of soil formation. These pioneer species are typically well-adapted to harsh environmental conditions and pave the way for other species to establish and grow diversity in the ecosystem over time. As succession progresses, the pioneer community will be replaced by more complex and diverse communities.

Do initiators begin the process of primary succession?

No, initiators do not begin primary succession. Primary succession starts with pioneer species establishing on bare rock or soil devoid of organic material. These pioneer species are the first to colonize the area and start the process of primary succession.

What comes after Pioneer Species?

After pioneer species, there is a gradual transition to more complex and diverse plant and animal species in a process known as succession. The pioneer species pave the way for these other species to establish and thrive in the ecosystem.

Related questions

What is the first species in secondary succession?

The first species in secondary succession are pioneer species, such as lichens or mosses. These hardy plants can grow on bare rock or soil, helping to break it down and create conditions suitable for other plant species to establish. Over time, these pioneer species are replaced by more complex plant communities as the ecosystem matures.

Both primary and secondary succession begin with pioneer species that?

Both primary and secondary succession begin with pioneer species that are able to colonize and establish in harsh environments with little to no soil. These pioneer species play a crucial role in breaking down rock or creating soil, which paves the way for other plant species to gradually establish and diversify the ecosystem.

What would be the characteristics of a successful pioneer species in a secondary succession?

A successful pioneer species in secondary succession would have traits such as rapid germination and growth, high reproductive capacity, ability to tolerate harsh conditions like poor soils or high levels of sunlight, and the ability to facilitate soil development for other species to establish.

When an uncut lawn becomes a meadow and eventually a forest this process is an example of what?

This process is an example of ecological succession, where plant communities change over time in response to environmental conditions. It typically involves a progression from simpler pioneer species to more complex, stable communities.

After an event such as a forest fire an ecosystem experiences what is called?

After a forest fire, an ecosystem goes through a process called succession. This is the gradual change in plant and animal communities over time as the ecosystem recovers and regenerates. Initially, pioneer species colonize the area followed by a more diverse community as succession progresses.

Describe succession and distinguish between primary and secondary succession?

Success is when life is established after a disaster in an area. Primary succession starts when things like glaciers and volcanic eruptions strip away soil and leave bare rock for pioneer species like lichen and moss to spread their seedlings. Secondary succession begins from soil being left  from things like forest fires and like Primary succession it uses pioneer species like grass and bushes to spread and rebuild.

Describe succession and distinguish between primary and secondary succession.?

Success is when life is established after a disaster in an area. Primary succession starts when things like glaciers and volcanic eruptions strip away soil and leave bare rock for pioneer species like lichen and moss to spread their seedlings. Secondary succession begins from soil being left from things like forest fires and like Primary succession it uses pioneer species like grass and bushes to spread and rebuild.

What is the first species to live in an area of primary succession?

pioneer species

What is the first species to live an area of primary succession?

pioneer species

How long does secondary succession take?

Secondary succession can take anywhere from a few decades to several centuries to reach a stable climax community, depending on the specific conditions of the ecosystem. The speed of secondary succession is influenced by factors such as the availability of seeds and spores, soil fertility, and the presence of pioneer species.

What is succession pioneer community?

A succession pioneer community is the initial stage of succession in an ecosystem, where pioneer species colonize a barren environment and begin the process of soil formation. These pioneer species are typically well-adapted to harsh environmental conditions and pave the way for other species to establish and grow diversity in the ecosystem over time. As succession progresses, the pioneer community will be replaced by more complex and diverse communities.

Do initiators begin the process of primary succession?

No, initiators do not begin primary succession. Primary succession starts with pioneer species establishing on bare rock or soil devoid of organic material. These pioneer species are the first to colonize the area and start the process of primary succession.