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2mo ago

50% of the offspring are expected to have the TTYy allele combination. This is because the TY and Ty alleles segregate independently during meiosis, resulting in a 1:1 ratio of TY:Ty alleles in the gametes that combine during fertilization.

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Q: What Percentage Of The Offspring Will Be Expected To Have The TTYy Allele Combination?
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One fruit fly is heterozygous for long wings and the other fruit flies home is the core is for short links long wings are dominant to shortenings use the pants where to find the expected percentage of?

If one fruit fly is heterozygous for long wings and the other is homozygous for short wings, the expected percentage of their offspring having long wings would be 50%. This is because when the long-winged parent passes on the dominant long-wing allele and the short-winged parent passes on the recessive short-wing allele, the offspring would have one of each allele, resulting in the offspring having long wings.

If one parent has two dominant alleles and another parent has two recessive alleles the offspring will have?

One copy of each allele, resulting in the offspring having one dominant allele and one recessive allele. This combination is known as heterozygous.

Suppose that a gray fruit fly heterozygous for the alleles for body color is crossed with one that has a black body What percentage of the offspring would you expect to have black bodies?

You would expect 50% of the offspring to have black bodies. This is because the offspring will inherit one allele for black body color from the black parent, and one allele for gray body color from the heterozygous gray parent. The black allele is dominant over the gray allele.

Percentage of heterozygous individuals obtained from selfing Rr individual is?

In the case of selfing an Rr individual - which is heterozygous - you would expect 50% of the offspring to be heterozygous (Rr), as each parent contributes one allele to the offspring. Each allele has a 50% chance of being passed on.

What Is the percentage of a particular allele in a population?

Allele frequency.

Related questions

One fruit fly is heterozygous for long wings and the other fruit flies home is the core is for short links long wings are dominant to shortenings use the pants where to find the expected percentage of?

If one fruit fly is heterozygous for long wings and the other is homozygous for short wings, the expected percentage of their offspring having long wings would be 50%. This is because when the long-winged parent passes on the dominant long-wing allele and the short-winged parent passes on the recessive short-wing allele, the offspring would have one of each allele, resulting in the offspring having long wings.

If one parent has two dominant alleles and another parent has two recessive alleles the offspring will have?

One copy of each allele, resulting in the offspring having one dominant allele and one recessive allele. This combination is known as heterozygous.

Suppose that a gray fruit fly heterozygous for the alleles for body color is crossed with one that has a black body What percentage of the offspring would you expect to have black bodies?

You would expect 50% of the offspring to have black bodies. This is because the offspring will inherit one allele for black body color from the black parent, and one allele for gray body color from the heterozygous gray parent. The black allele is dominant over the gray allele.

What is the percentage of offspring that will exhibit the dominant trait from A crossing of A homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individual?

The homozygous dominant individual can only pass on the dominant allele and the homozygous recessive individual can only pass on the recessive allele, therefore all offspring will be heterozygous and have the dominant phenotype.

Percentage of heterozygous individuals obtained from selfing Rr individual is?

In the case of selfing an Rr individual - which is heterozygous - you would expect 50% of the offspring to be heterozygous (Rr), as each parent contributes one allele to the offspring. Each allele has a 50% chance of being passed on.

A parent that is homozygous for a dominant trait is crossed with a parent that is homozygous for the recessive trait What percentage of the offspring will display the dominant trait?

100% of the offspring will display the dominant trait because the homozygous dominant parent can only pass on the dominant allele. The offspring will inherit one dominant allele from the dominant parent and one recessive allele from the recessive parent, resulting in a heterozygous genotype expressing the dominant trait.

Which is expressed a dominant or recessive allele and which is passed on to the offspring?

A dominant allele is expressed when an individual carries one or two copies of that allele. A recessive allele is only expressed when an individual carries two copies of that allele. Dominant alleles are typically passed on to offspring if at least one parent carries the dominant allele.

A characteristic than can be passed from an organism to its offspring is a?


Are Recessive traits always shown in an organism's offspring?

No, a recessive trait will only show in the offspring if there is no dominant allele masking it. The trait that will always show in the offspring is the dominant allele, provided one parent was homozygous for it.

Are recessive traits are always shown in an organism offspring?

No, a recessive trait will only show in the offspring if there is no dominant allele masking it. The trait that will always show in the offspring is the dominant allele, provided one parent was homozygous for it.

What Is the percentage of a particular allele in a population?

Allele frequency.

In a hybrid plant if every allele combination has two alleles what is the probability of one allele?

The probability of inheriting a specific allele in a hybrid plant would be 1/2 or 50%, as each parent contributes one allele and there are two possible alleles for a specific gene. Each offspring has an equal chance of inheriting either allele from the parent.