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Variation between cells refers to differences in their structure, function, or genetic makeup. This diversity allows organisms to adapt to changing environments and perform specific tasks efficiently. It is crucial for the survival and evolution of living organisms.

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What is random variation?

Random variation refers to the natural variability observed in data that arises due to chance or random factors. It can impact the results of experiments, making it important to account for this variability when drawing conclusions from data. Random variation is often controlled for using statistical methods to ensure that patterns or effects observed are not simply due to chance.

Does Central heterochromia affect eye sight?

Central heterochromia does not affect eye sight. It is a condition where there is a different colored ring around the pupil, but it does not impact vision. It is simply a variation in eye color.

Why are some horse chestnut tree flowers pink?

Some horse chestnut tree flowers may appear pink due to variations in genetic expression or environmental factors. This color variation is not common across all horse chestnut trees, and it may be a result of hybridization, mutation, or simply natural variation within the species.

Is homosexuality contagious?

No, homosexuality is not contagious. Sexual orientation is determined by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors, and it is not something that can be transmitted from one person to another. It is simply a natural variation in human sexuality.

What where the 3 steps that lead to the formation to new species according to the theory of natural selection?

Variation: Within a population, individuals have different traits. Selection: Certain traits provide individuals with a better chance of survival and reproduction. Reproduction: Individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to pass on these traits to their offspring, leading to a shift in the population's gene pool over time.

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Your boyfriend is either asking you, "Do you have a lot of homework?" or he's simply stating that he has a lot of homework. It all depends on the punctuation.

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Homework is a compound word made up of the two words home and work. Homework is called this simply because it is supposed to be done at home.

What has the author Vera Goodman written?

Vera Goodman has written: 'Simply too much homework!' -- subject- s -: Home and school, Homework

What increases genetic variations?

A large population increases genetics variation. Mutation will also increase genetics variation.

What is basic science?

Basic science is simply science that is easy and uncomplicated. An example of this can be the names of the planets.

Why do people copy homework from others?

They are simply lazy.. They could be stupid too..

What is the definition for homework?

work assigned by a teacher that is to be completed at home The definition for homework is just simply work that is done at home. Its a review of what you did in school that day.

How do you make an explanation letter?

Explain it simply...

6th grade oxford science by david coppock?

simply science

Can one say home-works?

"Home-works" is not a correct term. The plural of "homework" is "homework assignments" or simply "homework."