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Producers generally have the highest biomass.

Producers are photosynthetic organisms in most environments, such as plants and phytoplankton; they support the bottom of the food web and trophic levels.

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3mo ago

Primary producers, such as plants and algae, typically have the highest biomass in an ecosystem as they convert energy from the sun into organic matter through photosynthesis. This biomass then decreases as you move up the trophic levels to consumers like herbivores and then carnivores.

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Q: The trophic level with the highest biomass?
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The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is called the?


Explain how the biomass of a species is limited by their tropic level?

The biomass of a species decreases with increasing trophic level due to energy loss along the food chain. Each trophic level consumes energy and nutrients from the level below, resulting in a smaller overall biomass at higher trophic levels. This is known as the 10% rule, where only about 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.

How does one calculate the biomass in a trophic level?

To calculate the biomass in a trophic level, you can sum the biomass of all organisms at that trophic level. This involves estimating the total mass of organisms, usually by sampling a representative area and measuring the weight of all living organisms present. Biomass can be expressed in units such as grams per square meter or kilograms per hectare.

The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is called?

The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is known as the biomass. It represents the collective weight of all living organisms within a specific trophic level in an ecosystem. Biomass is a critical factor in determining energy flow and nutrient cycling within ecological communities.

Why are there fewer organisms in the higher trophic levels than the lower trophic levels?

Energy is lost at each trophic level through respiration, heat, and waste production, resulting in less energy available to support organisms at higher trophic levels. This limits the population sizes of predators that rely on consuming organisms from lower trophic levels.

Related questions

Are biomass and trophic level related?

Each trophic level contains one-tenth as much biomass as the level below it and ten times as much biomass as the level above it.

Was is the total amount of organic matter within a trophic level is called?

Biomass is the total amount of organic matter present in any trophic level.

The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is called the?


Explain how the biomass of a species is limited by their tropic level?

The biomass of a species decreases with increasing trophic level due to energy loss along the food chain. Each trophic level consumes energy and nutrients from the level below, resulting in a smaller overall biomass at higher trophic levels. This is known as the 10% rule, where only about 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.

Do the biomass of organisms in a typical ecological pyramid increases at each level?

The biomass of each organism decreases with each level. With less energy at higher trophic levels, there are usually fewer organisms as well. Organisms tend to be larger in size at higher trophic levels, but their smaller numbers result in less biomass. Biomass is the total mass of organisms at a trophic level.

How does one calculate the biomass in a trophic level?

To calculate the biomass in a trophic level, you can sum the biomass of all organisms at that trophic level. This involves estimating the total mass of organisms, usually by sampling a representative area and measuring the weight of all living organisms present. Biomass can be expressed in units such as grams per square meter or kilograms per hectare.

Why is the top of a pyramid of biomass a single line?

The top of a pyramid of biomass represents the highest trophic level in an ecosystem, typically occupied by apex predators. Due to the energy loss as it moves up through the food chain, the biomass available to support organisms at the highest trophic level is limited, resulting in a single line at the top of the pyramid.

How do you biomass and 90 heat relate in an ecological pyramid?

In an ecological pyramid, biomass represents the total mass of living organisms within each trophic level. The 90 heat rule states that only about 10% of energy is passed on from one trophic level to the next, with the rest being lost as heat. Therefore, the biomass at a particular trophic level will be ten times greater than the biomass at the next higher trophic level, reflecting the loss of energy as heat through the different trophic levels.

What is the total amount of living tissue within a trophic level?


What is the weight of tissue and organic matter found at a trophic level?


What trophic level contains the greatest biomass in most ecosystems?

The trophic level that contains the greatest biomass in most ecosystems is usually the primary producers, such as plants or phytoplankton. These organisms are at the base of the food chain and have the highest biomass because they can convert energy from the sun into organic matter through photosynthesis.

The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is what?
