To understand the original text thoroughly before attempting to rewrite it in your own words. This involves identifying the main ideas and key points of the text.
Nomination may not be the first step in a process when there are prerequisites that need to be completed before the nomination can take place. This could include meeting specific criteria, obtaining approvals, or completing certain tasks before being nominated. In these cases, the critical first step would be completing these prerequisites before moving on to the nomination stage.
The first step to respiration is glycolysis.
The first step in chemical digestion occurs in the mouth with the enzyme amylase breaking down carbohydrates into simpler sugars.
The first step in reading a graph is to look at the title to learn what the graph is about.
the first step of creating a law is called First Reading!
The first step in setting a purpose for reading is to identify why you are reading. Are you reading for information, entertainment, research, or understanding? Understanding your motivation will help you focus on the relevant details while reading.
reading the original
These are the steps that you should follow when taking a reading test. Which one is the first step?
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
give the bill its second reading
Thoroughly and actively reading