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an increased ability to adapt

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9mo ago

Genetic diversity, which enhances the species' ability to adapt to changing environments and increases the chances of survival and evolution.

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Q: Sexual reproduction gives the species
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Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetics variation in a species than asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction results in offspring which are genetically the same as the parent organism (not counting a rare mutation). Sexual reproduction produces a random mixture of the genetics derived from both parents.In sexual reproduction, offspring are not identical to either parent.

Does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variation in a species than asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction results in offspring which are genetically the same as the parent organism (not counting a rare mutation). Sexual reproduction produces a random mixture of the genetics derived from both parents.In sexual reproduction, offspring are not identical to either parent.

What unites in sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction unites genetic material from two parent organisms to create offspring with a unique combination of traits. This process allows for genetic variation and diversity in populations, which can help species adapt to changing environments and increase overall fitness.

What method of reproduction increases variation within a species?

Sexual reproduction increases variation within a species because it involves the combination of genetic material from two different individuals, resulting in offspring with unique combinations of traits. This genetic diversity is important for evolution and adaptation to changing environments.

Sexual reproduction definition?

Sexual reproduction is a process that involves the fusion of gametes from two parents to create offspring with genetic diversity. This form of reproduction allows for variations in traits due to genetic recombination, enhancing the adaptability and survival of the species.

Related questions

What advantage does sexual reproduction confer upon a species?

The principal advantage that sexual reproduction confers upon a species is the continued existence of that species. If a species does not reproduce, it will die out.

What are the uses fro sexual reproduction?

Reproduction and continuation of the species.

What method of reproduction contributes to variations within a species?

Sexual reproduction

What is sexual reproduction responsible for?

Continuation of that species.

What are the differences between species that require sexual reproduction and species that require asexual reproduction?

ones a hore and the others not

Is it true that Sexual reproduction leads to very little variety among organisms of the same species?

No, sexual reproduction increases variety among organisms of the same species.

Is sea horse reproduction asexual or sexual?

They are sexual..Both sexes are found in the species.

How is sexual reproduction similar in all species?

there is always sperm

What is some ways that new species form?

Mitosis, Meiosis, Asexual reproduction and Sexual reproduction

How does sexual reproduction affect evolution in comparison to asexual reproduction?

sexual reproduction gives traits of both parents to the child where as asexual reproduction is just a copy of the original with no change at all

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction does not lead to genetic variations while sexual reproduction leads to genetic variations. In asexual reproduction there is no limitation/restrictions for gametes to be fertilized.In sexual reproduction if either of the gametes do not function/not present then the possibility of reproduction becomes nil.Asexual reproduction gives rise to multiple daughter cells from mother cells while sexual reproduction normally gives rise to only two daughter cells.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of sexual and asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction does not lead to genetic variations while sexual reproduction leads to genetic variations. In asexual reproduction there is no limitation/restrictions for gametes to be fertilized.In sexual reproduction if either of the gametes do not function/not present then the possibility of reproduction becomes nil.Asexual reproduction gives rise to multiple daughter cells from mother cells while sexual reproduction normally gives rise to only two daughter cells.