In the skull (22): Cranial bones:
frontal bone
parietal bone (2)
temporal bone (2)
occipital bone
sphenoid bone
ethmoid bone
Facial bones:
maxilla (2)
palatine bone (2)
zygomatic bone (2)
nasal bone (2)
lacrimal bone (2)
vomer bone
inferior nasal conchae (2)
In the middle ears (6): malleus (2)
incus (2)
stapes (2)
In the throat (1): hyoid bone
In the shoulder girdle (4): scapula or shoulder blade (2)
clavicle or collarbone (2)
In the thorax (25 or 27): sternum
Can be considered as three bones; manubrium, body of sternum (gladiolus) and xiphoid process
ribs (2 x 12)
In the vertebral column (24): cervical vertebrae (7)
thoracic vertebrae (12)
lumbar vertebrae (5)
In the arms (2): humerus (2)
In the forearms (4): radius (2)
ulna (2)
In the hands (54): Carpal (wrist) bones:
scaphoid bone (2)
lunate bone (2)
triquetral bone (2)
pisiform bone (2)
trapezium (2)
trapezoid bone (2)
capitate bone (2)
hamate bone (2)
Metacarpus (palm) bones:
metacarpal bones (5 × 2)
Digits of the hand (finger bones or phalanges):
proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
distal phalanges (5 × 2)
In the pelvis (4): coccyx
hip bone (innominate bone or coxal bone) (2)
In the thighs (2): femur (2)
In the legs (6): patella (2)
tibia (2)
fibula (2)
In the feet (52): Tarsal (ankle) bones:
calcaneus (heel bone) (2)
talus (2)
navicular bone (2)
medial cuneiform bone (2)
intermediate cuneiform bone (2)
lateral cuneiform bone (2)
cuboid bone (2)
Metatarsus bones:
metatarsal bone (5 × 2)
Digits of the foot (toe bones or phalanges):
proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
distal phalanges (5 × 2)
Some scientific names for human body bones include the femur (thigh bone), humerus (upper arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade), and tibia (shin bone).
Humans are born with about 270 bones, as a child grows and develops, some of these bones fuse together. An adult human typically has 206 bones.
No, humans do not have hollow bones. Hollow bones are typically found in birds and are adaptations for flight, providing strength with reduced weight. Humans have a different bone structure that is denser and stronger to support our body weight.
The tarsal bones are named calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, and the three cuneiform bones (medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiform bones).
If humans had no bones, they would have no structural support for the body, making movement and vital functions extremely difficult. Additionally, the lack of bones would leave vital organs vulnerable to injuries. Overall, it would be impossible for humans to survive without the support and protection that bones provide.
Some scientific names for human body bones include the femur (thigh bone), humerus (upper arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade), and tibia (shin bone).
No. Dogs have somewhere between 319 and 321 bones. Humans have 206 bones.
Adult humans have 206 bones.
The medical term for bone is "os". You have more than 200 of them and they all have names. Not sure what you're after.
There are 27 separate bones in a humans hand
The bones of a lion have the same names as the bones of a domestic cat, which are very similar to a human's bones. A comprehensive list is not possible in this forum.
Dem Bones
insect do not have bones
Dinosaur bones are bigger
Humans are born with about 270 bones, as a child grows and develops, some of these bones fuse together. An adult human typically has 206 bones.