No, plants with needle-like leaves can also grow in warm climates. Some examples include cacti, cycads, and certain types of conifers that are adapted to thrive in hot and arid environments.
Not all plants have leaves. Some plants, like mosses and ferns, do not have true leaves but instead have structures that serve similar functions.
No, not all plants have the same leaves. Leaves come in various shapes, sizes, and textures, depending on the plant species. Some plants have broad, flat leaves, while others have needle-like or deeply lobed leaves.
Some plants can grow from other parts of the plant, such as stems or leaves, through a process called vegetative propagation. This method allows plants to reproduce without the need for seeds. It is an advantage for plants to have multiple ways of reproducing because it increases their chances of survival and spreading their genes to future generations.
Some examples of plants with spear-shaped leaves include yucca, Sansevieria (snake plant), and agave. These plants are known for their long, pointed leaves that resemble a spear.
the trees that grow leaves and the leaves that grow on trees
Nothing special. They might grow some leaves...
These plants grow in shady places have broad leaves because in shady places there is less amount of light and broad leaves can absorb maximum amount of light.....
Leaves are the main area of photosynthesis and with the sugars manufactured by this process the plant has no energy source and no building material and can not grow. Some photosynthesis takes place is the stems of some plants, but the leaves were evolved to maximize the photosynthetic process.
Plants such as roses, maples, and oaks have single or simple leaves. Single leaves are typically attached to the stem individually, while simple leaves have one blade that is not divided into smaller leaflets like compound leaves.
Some plants can be grown from cutting a part of another plant and placing it in soil or water. Some plants however, cannot easily grow from plant cuttings, but some plants can easily grow from leaf, twig, or branch cuttings, such as the African violet.
Some common plants that can be grown from leaves include jade plant (Crassula ovata), African violet (Saintpaulia), and spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum). These plants can be propagated by taking a healthy leaf or leaf cutting and encouraging it to grow roots.
No, plants with needle-like leaves can also grow in warm climates. Some examples include cacti, cycads, and certain types of conifers that are adapted to thrive in hot and arid environments.
Orchids, Bromeliads, moss, roots, and wooden vines. Even though there are some plants growing in trees many also grow in the understory and some that grow in the water.
These plants have such leaves because wider, flatter leaves will catch more sunlight. Sunlight is needed for plants to survive, so when they're in the shade they adapt to be able to get more sunlight.
yes some plants grow from bulbs
actually no plants grow in the canopy