The scientific name of ginkgo biloba is Ginkgo biloba.
carpals is the scientific name for the finger bone
The scientific name for kidney is "renus"The renal
the scientific name for spleen is spleen xD
The scientific name for a bowl is "scyphozoa".
The scientific name for the fly larva inside goldenrod is Eurosta solidaginis.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Cecidomyia catalpae.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Contarinia juniperina.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Giardomyia rhododendri.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Phytophaga violicola.
The scientific name of the African dung beetle larva is Scarabaeus lamarcki.
Another name for the "Crane fly" is the "Daddy long legs"
Midge Ware's birth name is Midge Ware Bendelson.
The scientific name for caterpillar is larva, which refers to the immature stage of insects like butterflies and moths.
Midge Ure's birth name is James Ure.