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True, muscles always work where one contract another relaxes.

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False. While many skeletal muscles do work in antagonistic pairs (e.g. biceps and triceps), not all skeletal muscles function this way. Some skeletal muscles work alone or in synergy with other muscles to produce movement.

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Bernards Gimei

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Q: Is this statement true or false Skeletal muscles always work in antagonistic pairs?
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What body parts that move in pairs to help your body move?

Legs, arms, and eyes move in pairs to help the body move efficiently. For example, when walking or running, the legs work together to propel the body forward. Similarly, the arms swing in coordination with the legs to maintain balance and aid in movement. Additionally, the eyes move in tandem to provide depth perception and assist in coordination.

How does your muscles work?

Muscles work by contracting and relaxing in response to signals from the brain and nervous system. This contraction creates movement by pulling on the bones they are attached to. Muscles are made up of muscle fibers that contain proteins, such as actin and myosin, which slide past each other to generate force.

Muscles are always sore?

Muscle soreness can be caused by overexertion during exercise, inadequate hydration, lack of proper stretching, or not enough rest between workouts. Ensure you are allowing your muscles to properly recover and consider adjusting your workout routine to avoid overtraining. It is also important to stay hydrated, consume adequate nutrients, and incorporate rest days into your fitness regimen.

What system protects your internal organs?

The skeletal system, particularly the rib cage and spine, provides protection for your internal organs. The rib cage surrounds and protects vital organs such as the heart and lungs, while the spine shields the spinal cord.

A sensory neuron carries stimuli from central nervous system to the effector. true or false?

False. A sensory neuron carries stimuli from the peripheral nervous system (such as skin or organs) to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) for processing. Effector neurons are responsible for carrying signals from the central nervous system to muscles, glands, or other organs to produce a response to the stimulus.

Related questions

Skeletal muscles always work in antagonistic pairs.?


True or false skeletal muscles always work in antagonistic pairs?


What do skeletal muscles always work in?

Skeletal muscles work in pairs: flexors and extensors

What skeletal muscles are always contracting?

Diaphragm and intercostals

Do skeletal muscles always work in pairs?


Do skeletal muscles always work in antagonist pairs?


What holds skeletal muscles to the bones?

Tendons always connect muscles to bones. (Ligaments connect bones to bones.)

How many muscles are in the human body?

There are approximately 650 skeletal muscles in the human body but an exact number is difficult to define. The difficulty lies in the fact that different sources group the muscles differently and some muscles are not always present.

Why would you have longer relaxation with cardiac muscle versus skeletal muscle?

Skeletal, because cardiac muscles are always moving to keep your heart beating.

Are muscles active during rest?

when you are completely at rest some of your muscles are still hard at work because some like in your digestive respiratory and pulmonary systems are out your control and they are always working but the muscles like skeletal muscle you have the control over when the move

What are the muscles called that move your internal organs?

Muscles of internal organs are usually smooth muscles.It is not always so.Heart is an internal organ containing cardiac muscles.Oesophagus and diaphragm are example of exceptions which contain skeletal muscle.

How do skeletal and muscular systems relate with one another?

The muscles are connected to the bones. Without the bones, the muscles would fall down in a mass of mush, but without the muscles, the bones would not be able to make our bodies move. We would always stay still.