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ye it is called the Viceory Butterfly

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7mo ago

Yes, there is a butterfly called the viceroy that mimics the appearance of the monarch butterfly to gain protection from predators. Despite not being closely related to monarchs, viceroys have evolved to look very similar in order to share in the monarch's distastefulness to predators.

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How does the viceroy butterfly not benefit from eating milkweed?

The viceroy butterfly does benefit from eating milkweed. By consuming milkweed leaves, it accumulates toxic compounds called cardiac glycosides that make it unpalatable to predators. This protection helps the viceroy butterfly avoid being eaten.

Do you capitalize Monarch Butterfly or Monarch butterfly?

Monarch butterfly. The term "monarch" is not a proper noun, so it should not be capitalized.

How might The Viceroys Colours Affect Monarch Butterflies?

The Viceroy's colors mimic those of the Monarch butterfly. They do this to protect themselves against predators. Predators know that Monarch Butterflies do not taste good, so they avoid them, and therefore will also avoid the Viceroy.

What does the webkinz monarch butterfly look like?

A monarch butterfly. There is no Monarch butterfly silly!

How do you spell monarch butterfly?

The spelling is "monarch butterfly" (plural "monarch butterflies").

What butterfly mimics the monarch butterfly?

The Vicerey butterfly is very similar to the Monarch but is smaller and has an extra curved line on the bottom wings. Vicorey butterflies are popular because of their mimicry.Monarch butterflies eat milk weed so when a preditor eats it it poisons the preditor.So when preditors see the Vicorey, they don't eat it.

When was Monarch - butterfly - created?

Monarch - butterfly - was created in 1758.

How many babies do a monarch butterfly?

monarch butterfly do not have babies . after the nymph open it will be the adults butterfly

Is a monarch butterfly a producer consumer or a decomposer?

A monarch butterfly is a consumer.

What do monarch butterfly feed on?

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What is the scientific name for the Monarch butterfly?

Danaus plexippus.

Why do monarch butterflies migrate to mexico?

the monarch butterfly