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Yes, the skin is protected by acidic secretions such as sebum, which helps to maintain the skin's pH balance and protect against harmful bacteria and pathogens. The slightly acidic nature of the skin also contributes to its natural defense mechanisms.

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Q: Is skin protected by acidic secretions?
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Skin secretions

What body region is protected by fatty acids asidic pH lactic acid and a tough cell barrier with its own normal biota?

The skin is the body region protected by fatty acids, acidic pH, lactic acid, and a tough cell barrier with its own normal biota. These components help to create a protective barrier against harmful pathogens and maintain the skin's health and integrity.

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The surface of healthy skin should be slightly?

The surface of healthy skin should be slightly acidic, with a pH level around 4.7 to 5.75. This acidity helps to protect the skin from harmful bacteria and environmental pollutants. Maintaining this acidic pH balance is important for overall skin health.

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Are prostate secretions alkaline?

Yes, prostate secretions are alkaline. They help to neutralize the acidic environment of the urethra and vagina, which can increase sperm lifespan and function.