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Yes, pollen can be considered trace evidence as it can be used to link a person or object to a specific location. Pollen can be transferred between individuals or objects, providing valuable information in forensic investigations.

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Q: Is pollen an example of trace evidence?
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Locard's principle of pollen, named after Edmond Locard, states that pollen grains can be transferred between people, objects, or locations during physical contact. By analyzing the types of pollen present at a crime scene or on a suspect, investigators can trace the movements and interactions of individuals, potentially providing valuable forensic evidence.

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Trace evidence in criminal investigations was shown by Dr. Edmond Locard in the early 20th Century.

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This could be trace evidence

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A footprint left in a river bank is an example of a cast fossil. Over time, the footprint fills in with sediment and hardens, leaving a casting of the footprint.

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The cast of Trace Evidence - 2011 includes: Todd James Jackson as Detective Witt Rob Ullett

How is trace evidence help full?

Sometimes the prepatrator leaves evidence behind that can trace them to the cause. Basically, if there's enough evidence the man or woman left behind, they can be connected to the crime and caught faster.

What is what is preserved evidence of animal activity?

Trace fossil

What does the Trace Evidence Unit do?

The Trace Evidence Unit (TEU) identify and compare trace materials/evidence of specific types that could have been transferred when a violent crime was committed. This is usually in the form of human/animal hair, fibres, fabric, rope, dirt, feather, grass e.t.c.

What type of information is recorded in a trace fossils?

Evidence of an organism's activities is recorded in trace fossils. These include tracks, fossilized dung, and burrow casts.

A fossil is evidence of an organism,but is not made of the organism itself.?
