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Yes, it is normal to see slightly better from one eye than the other eye. This is called being "right-eyed" or being "left-eyed", and is much like being right-handed or left-handed. There is no advantage to being one over the other and most people are one or the other.

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8mo ago

It is not abnormal to have better vision in one eye compared to the other. This condition is known as anisometropia and can be due to differences in refractive error, eye dominance, or other factors. It is important to have regular eye exams to monitor any changes in vision.

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Q: Is it normal to see better out of one eye?
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Generally, 2.

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No, it is not normal to see different colors in each eye. This could be a sign of a medical condition and should be evaluated by an eye doctor.

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The highest level of eye vision is considered to be 20/10, which means a person can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 10 feet. This level of vision is rare and considered better than normal 20/20 vision.

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yes it is better when you see with two eyes then one because when you cover your eye with your hand you dont see that clearly as when you two eyes

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No, 20/20 vision is considered ideal normal vision where a person can see at 20 feet what a normal person can see at 20 feet. A 16/20 vision means a person can see at 16 feet what a normal person can see at 20 feet, indicating worse vision.

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It means you don't see as well as people with 20 20vision, I would think. --*Actually it means you see BETTER at a distance than someone with 20/20 (normal) vision. 20/10 vision means that you see at 20 feet away what most people with normal 20/20 vision need to be 10 feet away in order see clearly

When you blink your right eye you see a circle like the back of your eye what is this?

It is completely normal to see circles when one blinks their eyes. These circles are known as "floaters." They are caused by the eye actually seeing tiny blobs of vitreous fluid floating around inside itself.

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What does the eye see better color or black and white?

There is no way to tell what color the eye sees better for everyone. Some people are colorblind for example.