yes and no (forgive me im a bad speller)
every1 releases the hormones that give off a little bit of pleasure when they experience pain this makes it so tyhe pain isn't unbarrable
some people get more than others and react to it differntly some have mental issues that make them believe that its the only way to make them happy while others relate it to only time their partents showed effection there is many things that can lead to it becoming full fleaded masochisum
also iinflicting pain apon 1self is natral consiquence of not looking ahead so it may appear masochistic but it is not always so
Everyone has a hump.
No, everyone's bones are not the same size. Bone size can vary based on factors such as age, gender, and genetics.
No, everyone does not have the same genes. Genes are inherited from parents and can vary between individuals, leading to differences in traits and characteristics.
Yes, all humans have a brain. It is a vital organ that controls our thoughts, movements, sensations, and emotions.
It's unlikely that everyone will be tall in the future. Height is determined by a combination of genetics, nutrition, and environment, so there will always be a range of heights in the population.
Masochistic Religion ended in 1998.
The correct spelling is masochistic (seeking or enjoying pain, humiliation, or suffering, especially sexually).
A masochistic individual takes pleasure in pain, especially in a sexual context. To simply accept poor treatment by your peers seems almost masochistic.
to be masochistic
Hell Date - 2007 Masochistic Chick 2-12 was released on: USA: 2008
Only if you are masochistic.
self-disciplined or pious? or merely moderate? perhaps even masochistic?
Toni Cooper has written: 'A masochistic view of fashion'
you experience sexual pleasure from painThe correct spelling is "masochistic". The concept is named for an Austrian novelist, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, who wrote about it.
I'm going to assume that this person is a sexual masochist, and not someone with "masochistic personality disorder," which is very different. No one can be "caused" to do anything by their sexual preference, and the person who cheated is responsible for their own actions. However, if the person's masochistic desires are unfulfilled in their relationship, I could see how that might tempt them to cheat with a person who is interested in fulfilling those masochistic desires. Your phrasing "has masochism" suggests that you think of masochism as a disease or problem. If it's masochistic personality disorder, then it definitely IS a problem, but if we're talking about sexual masochism, then it's probably just the way this person is. If this person and/or the people around them view masochistic sexual desires as a disease, then this person probably also has some sexual self esteem issues that might make them more likely to cheat.
Chapter 13. CONFESSIONS, page 274. 6th paragraph, 1st sentence.